'Ive taken y/n's temperature every half hour for the last 5 hours. Thankfully her temperature has gone down. I'm glad that she's okay now. I hope it stays down now
Next morning
Your pov
I feel a little better now. I'm thankful to have Christen by my side. She's sound asleep now and I feel bad that she had to take my temperature every half hour. Today we have practice and tomorrow is our game against England. I hope Jill will let me play.
Soon my alarm goes off signaling we needed to get up to get up for breakfast. I feel Christen stir awake.
"How are you feeling?" she asks
"I'm feeling better, thank you for taking care of me." I say kissing her cheek.
She smiles which causes me to smile as well.
"No problem babe" she says
We both get up and get dressed. We head down to breakfast and Jill and one of the trainers come and check me. She said I was okay to practice and play tomorrow, but that I had to tell her if I started to not feel good again.
They left and Tobin and Hope come down and hug me.
"We're glad you okay!" Says Hope
"Thanks guys" I say
After breakfast we headed into to the felid to practice. After that Tobin, Alex, Hope, Kelley, Christen, and I all went to lunch. We talked for a while and then we went back to the hotel. We just talked and hung out at our hotel room until curfew, then everyone left and Christen and I watched a movie and fell asleep in each others arms.
Next morning
It's game day and I feel like crap again. I want to play though. Christen and are getting ready and then we head down to breakfast. I don't really eat but Christen thankfully doesn't say anything.
After we are ready to go we load onto the bus and head to the arena. We head straight into the locker room and change into our game clothes with our warm ups over them. We get in our line and we walk out onto the field. The game starts
Christens pov
Alex scored in the 25th minute, we are currently in the second half with 30 minutes to go. Y/n has been playing the whole game to this point and she looks kind of pale. I've jogged over to her a few times but she keeps saying she's okay. I can tell Jill is going to pull her out. I see Ali warming up. There's about 5 minutes left with 2 minutes added time.
All of a sudden y/n just drops to the ground. I'm the first one to her, I flip her onto her back gently and the ref motions for the trainers. Tobin and Alex run over as well standing over me. The trainers run over check her pulse and they signal the paramedics. The paramedics come onto the field and I walk away slowly with Tobin right behind me. They loaded y/n on the stretcher and wheel her off the field, the crowd was silent the whole time. Jill subs both y/n and I out and I sit on the bench with my head in my hands.
Your pov
We had about 7 minutes left of the game and I starting to feel worse. I started getting really dizzy and before I could say something I felt myself starting to collapse and black out.
Christens pov
The game continues and we won with the score of 1-0. We all loaded the bus and headed back to the hotel. I showered and get dressed. I packed some clothes for y/n when she can come home. I called a cab for me to take me to the hospital. I walk down to the lobby and get in the car. The driver takes me to the hospital and I pay him before making my way to the front desk and I ask for y/n's room number. She gives me the direction and I walk up to her room. She was still asleep and she had oxygen on her. I sit down next to her and hold her hand.
The doctor told me that she is extremely stressed out and dehydrated. She's been given fluids and should wake up soon.
A few hours later y/n finally came to. She was confused on what happened. The whole team came to see her and she was happy to hear that we kept out one point lead.
The doctor said y/n could go back to the hotel and he told Jill y/n shouldn't play in the next game. Of course y/n was bummed about it but if it's for her health then it needs to happen.
We have to make sure she is eating and drinking. I bought a few Gatorades from the vending machine for her to drink as well. Our plane leaves tomorrow morning and we are heading back to the states in St. Louis, Missouri.
I help y/n get dressed and she signs her discharge papers. The rest of the team has left already so the hospital calls us a cab. We get back to the hotel and I already made sure we were both packed and ready to go. Y/n was Laying in bed and I was brushing my teeth. After I brushed my teeth I put my toothbrush, toothpaste and mouth wash back in my suitcase and put it away. Y/n has already brushed her teeth. I go over to the bed and pull the covers back on my side and pull them back over me and Y/n cuddles into my side. I turn the light off and peck her lips.
"You know you scared the hell out of me right?" I ask
"Yeah I know, I'm so sorry i didn't mean to scare you or anyone on the team." She responds
"It's okay, I'm just glad your okay." I say
"Thanks babe" she says softly
"No need to thank me, let's get some sleep." I say
"Okay" she says
Soon enough her breathing slows and she's sound asleep. I fall aslsep after her.
Sorry for the shorter chapter. I promise the next chapter will be longer!

One Team One Fight
FanfictionYou are the oldest of three children, you were born and raised in Italy until the age of 10 then you moved to Ireland for a few months due to family issues. Something came up causing you to move again but this time your mom moved you and your sibl...