I feel like someone is watching me. I turn my head and see a group of four people in all black waking behind me.
I turn back around and pull my phone out while turning the next corner to still see if they follow me or if I'm just being paranoid. I quickly call Christen and it goes straight to voicemail. I then try Hope and goes straight to voicemail. I try Alex and Tobin and and both of their phones ring but don't pick up.
"Shit" I say
I turn my head and they are following me. I keep walking. I keep trying random people but no one seems to anwser.
I keep walking turning on random streets and they are still following me. Finally my phone goes off and it's Christen. I anwser it.
Y/n! I'm so sorry! My phone was in my bag! Is everything okay? She asks
"No, four people are following me and I don't know where I am and I tried the whole team and no ones answering." I say really fast
"Okay babe I need you to relax and slow down." She says
"No, four people are following me and I don't know where I am and I tried the whole team and no ones answering". I say slower
"Okay keep waking, is there a store that is open that you can walk into?" She asks
"I don't think so, I think most stores are closed." I say
"If you find a store walk into it" she says
"Okay" I say
"Call 911 and have them track your phone" she says
"Okay I will" I say
She hangs up and I go to call 911
Y/n says a voice
I turn around and something hard connects with the side of my head and everything goes black.
Christens pov
When y/n called me I instantly got nervous. I was currently out with my family, we just got ice cream.
"Guys I have to go." I say
"What do you mean? What's wrong?" Asks my mom
"Its y/n, she's being followed somewhere in town and I need to go get her." I say
"Honey I'm sure she's okay." She says
"No she's not! I could tell by her voice!" I say
"I'm sorry but your not going, what if you get hurt trying to help that girl." says my dad
"It's y/n! She has a name dad!" I say
"Why are you being so defensive about her? She's just a teammate." He says
"Your wrong dad, she's not just my teammate. She's my girlfriend." I say
"Wait what?" He says
We started dating after the Costa Rica game. I respond playing with my fingers
"When we're you going to tell us this" he says
To be honest I have no idea. We have been so busy with practice and everything. I respond
"So if we didn't get to surprise you, you would have never told us!" Yells my dad
"I never said that dad! I just said I didn't know when I would have." I respond
"Honey stop it! If she loves y/n that's great. If she's happy I'm happy." Says my mom grabbing my dads arm
"Your Right honey I'm sorry he says looking at my mom and then he looks at me. "Christen I'm sorry, if your happy with y/n then we are happy. I do want to talk to her though." He finishes while hugging me
"Okay dad" I respond
Let's go find y/n he says
Your coming too? I ask
"If people are following her and you meet up with her you could get hurt, we don't know why those people are following her." he says
"Okay" I respond
My dad and I get in the rental car and we drive around until I see y/n get hit with something, it looked like a bat. My dad honked the horn a bunch to get them to leave. After they left I run as fast as I can and pick y/n up in my arms. I carry her to the car. She was knocked out. The good thing was that her head wasn't bleeding or anything.
We drive back to the hotel and I carry y/n up to or room with my family right behind me. The rest of my family must have taken a cab back to the hotel.
I lay y/n down on the bed and put the covers over her.
"Is she okay?" Asks my mom
I think so, her head wasn't bleeding at all so I think she will be okay I reply
Well we will let you go, it's getting late and we have a plane ride in the morning and so do you. She says
I hug and say goodbye to my family and they leave. I come back and change into pajamas. I help y/n into a pair of shorts and a tank top and I take her brace off and then I get in bed and hold y/n close to me.
Your pov
I wake up and my head is pounding. The room is dark and strong arms are wrapped around my waist. I instantly started to freak out and whoever was holding me held me close.
"Babe it's me just relax" says Christen
I relax and she kisses my forehead.
"Sorry" I say
"It's okay, does anything hurt?" she asks
"Just my head" I reply
She gets up and comes back with some Tylenol and a glass of water.
I thank her and take the medicine and drink the glass of water. Christen grabs the glass and puts it on the table and then comes back and lays down next to me. She wraps her arms back around my waist and we both fall asleep.
Christens pov
My alarm goes off and we have to get up and get ready to leave. I made sure our bags are already packed and ready to go. Y/n was still sound asleep. I slowly unwrap my arms from around her and her up. Y/n gets up a few minutes later and we both brush our teeth and comb our hair and get ready.
I grab y/n's brace and hand it to her and she puts it on. I help her with the last few straps because I realized we are running late.
We grab our bags and make our way to the bus. We load our bags and get on the bus. Soon enough everyone is on the bus. We get to the airport and check our bags in and board the plane to California

One Team One Fight
FanfictionYou are the oldest of three children, you were born and raised in Italy until the age of 10 then you moved to Ireland for a few months due to family issues. Something came up causing you to move again but this time your mom moved you and your sibl...