I woke up to an empty room. Hope must have already left the room. I sat up and stretched. I showered really fast and got ready for the day. We had another game today against Colombia. I heard they are a pretty aggressive team.
I got out of the shower and there was a note on my pillow. I grabbed it, confused as to who would have put it on my pillow.
I grabbed the note and opened it. It read
Dear Y/n
You thought you could escape just like your stupid mother and siblings? I'm coming for you next sweetheart. you tell anyone about this i kill your precious Goalie. Hope Solo-your father
"Hey kiddo your finally awake " says hope walking through the door.
"Hey Hope, yeah sorry I was tired". I say
"It's okay! Are you ready to go? Jill wants us to practice kicking on the field. Bus leaves in 20. I would bring your stuff for the game, I don't think we will have time to come back!"She says grabbing her Bag and looking at me.
I just nod hiding the note in my pillowcase.
"Hey you okay?" She asks
"Yeah I'm fine. I'll meet you down there I just need to get my bag." I say
"Okay" she says
She knows something is up.. Great.
Hope walks out and I grab the note putting it in my suitcase and I grab my bag and put my headphones in and then the light off and walk down and see everyone starting to get on the bus. I get on the bus and sit down by myself.
I can't let some stupid note get to me. It's probably not even him.
We got to the arena and started to stretch. After that we worked on our footwork, and shooting. Alex passed the ball to me. I went to shoot and I missed.
Good try kid says Alex
I just not and jog back and we do it over again. I miss again
Jill calls me over
I jog over to her.
" Are you okay? You seem off your game today." She says looking at me
"I'm fine, just nervous." I reply
Okay, I want you to start today so save up your energy you will need it for the game". She says
I just nod and she lets me go back to practicing.
*Skip to middle of the game*
New Zealand has taken the lead and control of this game!! The score is 1-0. There is still plenty of time left for USA to come back.
Y/n l/n 18 years old, one of the youngest members of the team along side number 2 Mallory Pugh, seems to be struggling in today's game. She had had quite a few chances to try to score this game and hasn't been able to get the ball past the goalie.
Oh! Mallory Pugh is Down with what seems to be her right leg. The trainers will come on and she will be looked at by the medical team. Carli Lloyd will come on for Pugh.
Your pov
We all got water while they helped Mallory off the field. I haven't been playing very well this game. New Zealand is up by one because of a free kick. Hope did the best she could. I know we can come back.
Carli kicked the ball to me and I was running down the field. I felt someone slide into me and I hit the ground hard landing on my back. I slammed my hand on the ground and Alex and Carli ran to me.
"Do you need the trainers?" Asks Alex
"No" I say forcing myself to sit up. Alex helped me up and the ref came over. We got a free kick. Which I took.
I lined the ball perfectly and closed my eyes blocking everything out while the ref was getting everyone where they were supposed to. I heard the whistle and took the shot. It went in the top left corner. As soon as it hit the net I jogged back and we all did a quick group hug.
We ended up scoring again and then they got another free kick and they scored again and we tied 2-2. We all walked to the locker room.
"Great work today ladies, that was a tuff game. We played our best!" Jill said
We all clapped
"How is your back y/n?" She asks
"It's fine" I reply
I'm pretty sure that all know I'm lying but don't ask questions.
We pile on the us and head back to the hotel. Hope already showered and she went with some of the girls to go exploring. I decided to stay at the hotel. I pulled the note out looked at it. I grabbed my room key and walked down to the front desk.
"Excuse me?" I ask
"Yes how may I help you?" The guy at the desk asked
"I was wondering if anyone has asked for my room number this morning."I asked
"There was a man, he said he was your father and he wanted to see you."He said
"What did he look like?" I ask
(He describes what your dad looks like)
"Thank you" I say
"Your very welcome!" He says
"Could you call my room and tell me when he's coming up to my room?" I ask
"Of course!"he says
I walk back back up to my room and hide my note again. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket. It was a text from a blocked number.
Ipanema beach 9pm I will find you
I checked the time and it was 7:30. The girls would be out late so I got ready. I paced the room back and forth and sat down trying to figure out what to do. I couldn't tell anyone, if I did then Hope would be in danger. I leave the hotel at 8:45 and then I get a call and it's Hope
"Hey Hope" I say
Hey where are you? She asks
"I went for a run" I say
"Want me to meet up with you?" She asks
"No it's okay, I'll be back in a hour or so" I say
"Okay, text me if you need anything." She says
"Will do" I say
I continue walking to the beach and sit down. Someone sits down next to me and clears their throat.
"Hello y/n remember me?" He asks
What do you want? I ask
I feel a sting on my cheek. He just slapped me and then pinned me down on the sand
"We are going to get one thing straight right now, you do not talk to me like that ever again. I'm your father and I demand respect! I ask the questions and you Anwser. Do you understand me?" He says
I kick him where the sun don't shine and he falls back off me holding his manhood.
"I don't take orders from you, and your not my father. He died the day you started abusing me and Ma." I say standing up
He kicks my legs out from under me and slams me down knocking the air out if me.
"My turn to hurt you " says with a evil smile
Oh shit

One Team One Fight
FanfictionYou are the oldest of three children, you were born and raised in Italy until the age of 10 then you moved to Ireland for a few months due to family issues. Something came up causing you to move again but this time your mom moved you and your sibl...