So since the game between USA and Korea had no score I decided not to write about it. So I'm gonna move on to the Algrave cup (even though it already happened. This book is just flipped around.. sorry about that! So I'll do that cup and maybe the she Believes cup and then the World Cup and then I'll go into the games that are happening this year. Sorry I'm all over the place! Anyways here's chapter 25! Let me know what you think!
Your pov
We leave today for the Algrave cup. The team is hoping to win for the 10th time! Our first game is against Norway. We fly to Portugal in about three hours, since we are going out of the country we have to be there two hours ahead. So the team is just getting on the bus, once everyone was ready to go we headed to the airport where we grabbed our bags and got them checked in. Then we sat and waited for our flight. Most of the team went to go find the Starbucks that was here for coffee.
Soon enough everyone was back and our plane got called. We all boarded the plane and the plane took off.
Skipping the plane ride
We just landed in Portugal, everyone got off the plane and made our way to the terminal that our luggage will be at. Everyone got their luggage and we waited for the bus.
Jill came and got us and we loaded onto the bus. After the everyone was accounted for we left for the hotel. We unloaded our bags and got checked in.
Everyone still had the same roommates as always. Jill went though the schedule and everything and then we went up to our rooms and unpacked.
The team didn't have plans so we all just stayed in our rooms and chilled. Christen and I turned on a movie and we both ended up falling asleep so we didn't even watch it.
Next morning
We have practice today. I'm excited to kick the ball around. I found out that I'll be starting with Christen in two days. Carli will go in for me in the second half and Alex will go in for Christen.
Jill was running us hard today. I don't know how many times I've sprinted up and down this field. Jill is trying to see who can run the most and I've lost track of how many times I've done it. Christen, Alex, Tobin and I are the only ones left. I have no idea how I'm still running. Alex stops then Christen. Tobin turns to me.
Whoever goes more gets 10 dollars she says
Deal I say
Let's just say Tobin owes me 10 dollars. I kept going until I couldn't anymore. I ran one last time before stopping and walking around with my hands on my head breathing hard.
"Good job y/n go get some water!" says Coach
I just nod and Christen hands me a water. I down more the half of the water.
" How are you still standing ?"Asks Megan
Before I could say what I wanted too Kling cut in and said.
"Because she's a badass" she says
"She did over 50! Are you on steroids?" Asks Kling
I don't do steroids idiot I'm only 18. When I couldn't play soccer I ran so I was able to run the full 90+ minutes of the game when I was able to.
"Yeah but you did sprints not just running." Says Tobin
"I like to push myself" I reply with a shrug
Yeah with what you have gone though it's a fucking miracle your still playing. Says Ashlyn
Ash language says Ali
Sorry babe she responds
"Damn Harris your such a softie now."I say
Everyone laughs
No I'm not a softie. She says t
"Alright Harris whatever you" say I reply
Okay who wants to sprints again? Asks Jill
We all groan and get up.
"I'm just kidding you have all ran enough today. Let's go do some drills." She says
After doing the drills Jill ended practice. We all headed back to the hotel and got showered. Some of the girls went and walked around before dinner.
"Let's go to a club!" Says Kling
"Wait doesn't the club have a height limit? I don't think your tall enough." I say patting Kling on the head.
"Ha ha very funny, at least I'm old enough she responds punching me in the arm playfully.
"To bad I didn't feel that." I respond and everyone stops laughing
"Y/n I'm so sorry."she says
For what? I was joking, plus my brace isn't on so it's hard to tell what arm doesn't work." I reply hugging her
Do the doctors still think you will never have feeling in your arm? Asks Julie
"They are looking into some surgeries that might help. I don't mind playing with a brace but at the same time it would be nice to be able to use both of my arms." I say
"Yeah getting up would be easier too." says Carli
"Yeah true, thanks for always helping me up guys. I say
"That's what we are here for." Says Hope patting my back.
"One team" says Julie
"One family" I say smiling
"Alright the bus is here we need to get going." Says Carli
Everyone grabbed their bags and we loaded the bus and headed back to the hotel. Once we got there I showered and then Christen got in after.
"Babe you should go with the team." I say
"And leave you? No way." she says
"I'll stay in the hotel and watch movies." I say
But what if someone tries to hit on me? She asks
"Then I'll come and kick their ass." I reply
"Babe" she says
"Sorry" I respond
"I don't what to deal with our drunk teammates." She says
"Okay" I say
We can go see a movie? She asks
Yeah I think there is a theater just down the street, I'll look it up and we can look at the movies! She says
There was a knock on the door. I went over to open it. It was Hope, Carli, Alex, Tobin and Julie.
"We don't want to go to the club anymore." Says Hope
"Christen and I are planning on going to the movies, you guys could come too" I say
That sounds like fun! Says Julie
Okay the movies it is! I'll send out a text! Says Hope
We all ended up going to the movies and seeing Suicide Squad. After that we headed back to the hotel and went to bed.
New chapter, I don't think I will update again tonight. It's been a rough day and my meds aren't helping and I'm just a mess. So I'm sorry, I'll try to get another update in but if not I will try tomorrow. Thanks for reading! I hope you liked this book.

One Team One Fight
FanfictionYou are the oldest of three children, you were born and raised in Italy until the age of 10 then you moved to Ireland for a few months due to family issues. Something came up causing you to move again but this time your mom moved you and your sibl...