Today we are taking the bus to Carson, California. It's about 5 1/2 hours away. Christen and I are already packed and everything. We take our bags down after we have had some breakfast. The rest of the team soon comes down with their luggage and they put it in the luggage compartment of the bus.
Once everyone is on the bus takes off. Most of us are talking, sleeping or listening to music. Alex and Tobin are playing a card game. Christen is sound asleep with her head resting on my shoulder. I turn my music on and listen to random songs.
Soon enough the bus stops for gas. Some of the girls go and get snacks. Once everyone is back the bus starts again and we continue our drive. The bus stops again about an hour later so we can get lunch. We stopped at a Subway and we all got sandwiches. After that we got back on the bus and the bus driver kept driving until we pulled up to the hotel. We all got out while the bus driver got out our luggage. We went into the hotel and Jill checked everyone in before we got our room keys. We all headed up to our rooms and unpacked. Everyone was able to be on the same floor. Since our game is tomorrow Jill wanted us to practice. I had talked to Jill and she said I had to take it easy. She also said I would be able to play if I felt like it, but I most likely wouldn't be playing the whole game.
Skipping practice
Practice was good, we worked on some things for tomorrow like shooting and passing. We are currently at the hotel, Christen is in the shower right now and I'm getting ready to get in after her. She comes out 15 minutes later and I get in, do my business and then get out. I quickly change into clean clothes and then we both head down for dinner.
When everyone's here Jill goes through her announcements and then we all get food and sit down and start eating. After we are all done eating we all do our own thing.
Next morning
It's game day, we play Mexico and I'm excited. I have a feeling it's gonna be a good game. I mean I wake up on game day and think that it's going to be a good game but it's something about this game that I'm really feeling it.
Christen and I head down with the rest of the team for breakfast. After that we go back up and grab our bags and head to the bus. Most of us had our music on and in our own little worlds. That's how it always is every game day. Any other day and the bus would be full of laughter and talking.
We get to the arena and walk straight to the locker room. We get ready as Jill gives us a pep talk. Once we are all ready, we get in line on one side, with Mexico on the other. We were holding the little kids hand as we walked out. The stadium was sold out once again. Christens family is here and so are 70ish people here. She grew up about a half hour away from here. I know she's excited about playing today.
They go though the roster of both teams and then the anthems. After that we get to warm up while carli goes and does the coin toss. Mexico started with the ball. Everyone got in their spots and the ref blew her whistle.
We are close to a half our into the game, the score is still 0-0. We have been close to scoring a few times. We get a corner kick and Megan takes it. She's able to send it right to me and I'm able to kick it in for the first goal of the game. They all jump on me and the crowd is chanting USA.
The game continues and Mexico strikes back on the 39th minute. We end the half with a tie 1-1. Some of the girls looked kinda nervous. She should have put more balls in the back of the net. Jill was happy with our performance and everyone seemed to relax after that. Soon enough half time was over and we were out again for the second half.
Christen was subbed out at the half as well as two other players (I don't remember who else got subbed out and I'm to tired to go back and watch the game)
I scored again in the 45th minute. It's crazy that I have two goals in one game! I scored again in the 57th minute then the 60th minute and again in the 72nd minute of the game. The game ended with a 5-1 score.
I can't believe all 5 goals are in my name. That's crazy! I'm still shocked about it.
I was asked to do an interview so I threw on my jacket and walked over to the reporter.
"So y/n you made all of the goals today! What's going on in your head right now?" She asks
Well I'm shocked I mean five goals is a lot of goals! I definitely didn't do it alone, I mean I just finished the job, the real credit should go to the girls who were able to set me up with all those amazing shots. The players that should really have the goal in there name are Megan, Morgan, and Tobin. As well as Carli and christen I mean I just finished the job, if it wasn't for them, only two of the five would have made it. I wish I could take the credit but i definitely couldn't have done it without them.
Let's go back to that first goal, you were running so fast and when you kicked it did you think the ball was going to go in? She asks
Well I have to be honest, I had no idea. Like you said I was running so fast I didn't know if I was gonna make it. I was able to see Morgan there though so I knew if I didn't score, I knew she would have my back and make sure that ball went in the back of the net. I reply
Well thank you y/n for talking with us! We wish you and your team good luck on your next game against Korea Republic in New Jersey! She says
Thank you! I say
I head back to the team and I'm hugged by everyone. We all go to the locker room and get our stuff and head back to the hotel.
New chapter, working on tomorrow's chapter already, who knows maybe I will finish it and put it up tonight so keep an eye out for it.
Please let me know what you think. I have to watch all of the games to see who scores and who got assists. Plus I don't remember all of the details since it was a year ago.
The reason you got all the goals was because Abbey, Sydney and Lori aren't playing on the team anymore. I'm going off of the 2015 games, I should have started this book off with 2015 World Cup/ victory tour/ algarve cup/ she believes cup and And ended with the Rio Olympics Should I go back and change the chapters around or just leave it like they are? I don't mind going back, it won't be that hard you will just have to read it all over again. I can do it tonight if you comment ASAP!

One Team One Fight
FanfictionYou are the oldest of three children, you were born and raised in Italy until the age of 10 then you moved to Ireland for a few months due to family issues. Something came up causing you to move again but this time your mom moved you and your sibl...