Your pov
The game so far has been rough. The score is still 0-0 and we are in the 40th minute. I don't know how many times I've been taken down.
We have been close to scoring but we just can't find the back of the net. We got a corner kick, Tobin ran to take it. She kicks it and I'm able to send it in the back of the net. I run to Tobin and jump in her arms. Alex, Christen, Carli, Julie and Kling run over and jump on top of us.
After our celebration we make our way back to our side of the field.
Three minutes later, we end up getting another corner kick and Tobin takes it, she kicks it to Carli who tries to score but it comes back to me and I'm able to head it into the back of the net. I point to Carli and jump into her arms and everyone hugs us. We jog back to our side of the field.
The ref signaled the end of the first half. We all walk to the locker room and Jill gives us our pep talk. After that we all walk back onto the field. The ref signals and the second half starts.
In the 54th minute the game I was able to pass the ball to Julie just and someone slammed into me hard. I hit the ground hard and roll onto my stomach. The only person who saw me was Hope. Julie ran over to me and that caused everyone else too also.
"Are you okay?" She asks
"Yeah the wind just got knocked out of me" I respond as she helps me up.
"Nice pass" she says pulling me into a hug.
"Nice goal" I say
We jog back and the the ball is back on our side. I get slammed to the ground once again. I slowly get up only to be shoved back down.
"What is your problem?!" Yells Alex
Christen helps me up
All of a sudden Ireland starts throwing punches. I get shoved to the ground by the captain and punched in the face. I'm pulled up to my feet and slammed into the goal post. The ref is trying to get the girl to let go.
I looked around and Ireland kept on pushing everyone. Of course we didn't retaliate, we didn't want to get in trouble.
The ref and security finally get her off me and pull her away. I turn to Hope and she checks my head.
"Y/n!" I hear Christen say
I feel myself get slammed into the side of the goal post hitting the side of my head hard and I hit the ground. Everything went slow motion after that. I couldn't hear anything and my vision was still blurry. Hope bent down and kept my head straight and tried to talk to me but I could only see her lips moving. Christen grabbed my hand.
The ref sent Ireland to the locker room and they were escorted by security. The trainers came on and then signaled for the paramedics to come on.
Hopes pov
I can't believe she did that. I kneel down to y/n and keep her head still in case she hurt her neck. I wanted to beat the shit out of that girl.
But y/n need us and I don't want to be suspended.The trainers come on and they immediately signal the paramedics. They tried to ask y/n questions but she was just staring at them.
"I don't think she can hear us" I say
They try again and sure enough there is no response.
The paramedics come and put a brace on her neck and lift her onto the stretcher before putting her on the gurney.
We get sent to the locker rooms and Christen grabs her bag as well as y/n's and heads straight to the locker room. I grab my bag and jog to her. Once we get to the locker room she changes and grabs y/n's stuff. We all get on the bus and head to the hospital. We get sent to a waiting room and we wait until the doctor comes.
The doctor comes out and and walked over to us.
"I have good and bad new, the good news is that she's awake and doing great, the bad news is that she has a small concussion she should be able to play in the next few days. The only problem is that she has some hearing loss, it's only temporary it should come back in the next few days. You can take her back to the hotel but I advise someone stay with her at all times just to be safe. She's communicating by whiteboard, she asked for Christen? Is she here?" He asks
Christen stands up.
"She asked me to have you come help her change into clothes."He says
Christen nods and follows him.
Your pov
I can't believe I'm temporarily deaf. I hope it comes back soon. Right now I'm sitting in the exam room and the doctor walks back with Christen. Christen comes over hand hugs me and the doctor leaves so I can change. Christen helps me change and I kiss her cheek as a thank you.
We walk back out to the team and they all hug me as well as the staff. We get on the bus and head back to the hotel. On the way there my ears started to hurt really bad. They were popping.
"Babe are you okay?" Asks Christen oh you can't hear me she says a few seconds later and grabs the whiteboard.
"Yeah I'm okay" I respond
Everyone stops their conversations and looks at me.
I look around confused.
"You can hear me?" She asks
"Yeah my ears popped and I can hear again" I say smiling at her.
"Thank god" she says putting the whiteboard and pen in her bag. She hugs me and I hug her back.
The rest of the day Christen and I cuddled and watched movies with the team in our room. I ended up falling asleep with my head on christens chest.
Im kinda running out of ideas.. so message me or comment if you have any ideas or if you want something to happen! I'll try to update again later or tonight, if I think of something or if I get an idea from any of you. Thanks for reading you guys rock

One Team One Fight
FanfictionYou are the oldest of three children, you were born and raised in Italy until the age of 10 then you moved to Ireland for a few months due to family issues. Something came up causing you to move again but this time your mom moved you and your sibl...