TSarah Beth~
When I woke up it was about two in the morning. It took a couple minutes to figure out why I wasn't in my bed. I was on the couch, leaned up against Ashley. His arm was around me, but he was asleep. The radio we had turned on earlier was still playing. I sat up a bit, trying my best not to wake him.
My mind was weighed down with heavy thought that I really didn't want to dwell on at the moment, but I really had no choice but too. I looked back over at Ashley. He looked so peaceful, his chest rising up and down. He was so innocent. He had no clue what he could be getting himself into. Him seeing the owls didn't help any of the situation, but I couldn't help that. Rufus had only written information that he thought would be important for me to know, and it was, but the timing was aweful.
The first thing the letter said was that the Ministry was keeping a VERY close eye on me. They were just waiting for me to mess up so they could make me come back to the Magical World. The wanted me to work for the Muggle Department. They had been practically begging me to accept their job offer since I had graduated from Hogwarts, but I had always declined. I didn't want to be consumed by them like my Auntie had.
The second thing that bothered me was Auntie herself. Rufus had also said that she said that I was dead to her. She had latched herself onto him, like a leach, claiming him as her nephew. She said that she didn't have a niece... I had to fix things. As aweful as that woman was, she was family, and I had to make things better. In fact, I was her only family. If I didn't try to make things right, she would end up dieing alone. Plus, her being mad was really my fault. As much as she denied it, she deffianlly was crazy.
I stood up, stretching. What lousy news to get on such a great holiday. I made my way to my bedroom, untieing and unziping places on my costume as I walked. Once I was in their I let my dress fall to the floor, standing in the middle of the room in my underwear. Although I shed my clothing, my thoughs were still fully there. I put on a pair of pajamas and sat on my bed, wrapping myself in my pink quilt my mother had made me so many years ago.
I hadn't even let the worste news set in... Rufus's parent might be looseing the Fudge Shop. For as long as I could remember, they owned the shop. Sure, it was a Divination shop, so it was basically useless, but it belong in Diagon Alley. Also, if they lost the shop, Mr. Benard and his wife would looose their home also, since they lived on the floor above the shop. Even though they could always move in with Rufus, there was plenty of space since I moved out, but it wouldn't be the same.
I layed down, trying to will the tears down. I had cried more since I had moved since I had since the Second Wizarding War. It felt aweful. I had always hated crying.z It made me feel weak. It might have had something to do with when Auntie had made me write "I must not cry in public." on my hand. I wasn't sure, but it didn't really matter. I couldn't stop the wet tears that were sliding down my cheeks.
I felt lonely, almost paniced. My chest hurt. Maybe my heart was accually breaking. Why did the world have to be so cruel? Mr. and Mrs. Fudge were great people; why did this have to happen to them?
I got back up, pulling the blaket around my shoulders, and went back into the living room. Ashley was still sleeping soundly, his mind untouched by the stress and bad news that mine was under. I sat back down and leaned against him again.
"Hmmm?" He opened his eyes groggily
"I'm sorry. Ill get off you, or you can go sleep in my bed." My voice was strained and cracking. It was obvious that I had been crying.
"No, its fine. " He replied, a little more awake. "Are you crying?"
"No, I'mjust..." I rubbed the tears out of my eyes, "catching a cold or something. Ill just get off oc you-"
"No, its really fine. I dont care."
I looked up at him and for a moment we just gazed at each other. My heart started to race as I looked into his eyes. I reachex up and removed his glasses, laying them on the coffee table. Butterflies cfluttered in my tummy. Thats how I knew it. I loved him. I loved him. I loved him. I loved him!
He leaned forward. Before I could think, his lips were on mine, his stubble tickling my face. We only kissed for a moment....but it had felt like the most loving and carring kiss I had had in my life. That sealed. I loved him,. He was the one, and there was nothing the Ministry could do to change that.