Part 6

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I ran to the men's room and looked at my face, I saw a bruise forming on my cheek. I turned on some cold water and slowly put some on my cheek, as much as it hurts I had to deal with it. I put my head down and tried to hold back the tears that was trying to come.

???:Did something happen?

I looked up and saw this guy with brown hair and muscles. He was the same guy I saw harmonizing with Carlos and some other guys. I didn't want to talk to anybody because of the pain.

You:No. (I said and stormed out)

But to my surprise he was right behind me.

???:But it really looks like it.

I sighed and turned around.

You:Who are you?

???:My names James.

I nodded my head.

You:Do you know Carlos?

James:Yeah that's my best bud.

You:Well you heard me when I went off on him right?

James:Well not really, because it was so loud.

You:Well you should know, your friend is a guy that I can't stand at all, oh and please tell him that I won't be staying with him anymore.

That's all I said before I walked away, and this time he better not stop me.


I went to my room and saw Casey packing up her stuff.

Carlos:Where are you going?

She didn't say anything, she just kept packing.

Carlos:Are you finally moving out?

She turned around and looked at me and I saw she had a patch on her cheek.

You:What is with you? Why are you always messing with me?

I didn't know what to say to that but what I did know is that she was a girl and doesn't belong here.

Carlos:Answer me first, are you moving out so no one would find out your a girl.........

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