Chapter 1

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Ginny POV

We were standing in front of the house. Just standing there, not knowing what to do. I looked up at the beautiful cottage. At this time it wasn't in ruins and its energy was not dark and miserable, but welcoming. 

"Well we better go and introduce ourselves, don't you think?" Hermione said confidently, but I could hear she was nervous. I slowly nodded my head. We started walking towards the small gate, but as we opened it, an extremely odd sensation took over my body and made me extremely dizzy. Then the figure showed up and the figure looked like...

"Who are you?" he asked, disarming us and as he did the spell wore off.

"Well... hello. I'm Hermione Granger and this is Ginny Weasley." Hermione said bravely. But this scarless Harry figure did not seem satisfied with our introduction and was still pointing his wand at us.

"And how can I believe you?" he asked, "I know the Weasleys well, and I don't remember any Ginny's."

"Well that's because Molly is still pregnant with me.'' I blurted out and Hermione looked at me glaring and James' face was utterly perplexed.

"Hands up!" the man shouted and we obeyed. Now I understand, why everybody said that Harry looked exactly like James... except for his eyes. James had hazel eyes. 

"I would very much like you to know that I will not tolerate joking," James continued, "you should consider yourselves lucky that you're not stunned already."

"James dear" we heard a female voice James looked up and took a step closer to us.

"If you lay a finger on Lily or Harry, you'll be sorry" he whispered with his wand still pointed at our faces, "Lily get back inside!"

"We won't we promise" I whispered. James heard me, but didn't seem to be convinced at all. It was war. Nobody can be trusted. 

"Didn't you hear me?" he asked as Lily came out of the house, with a baby in her hands. Harry.

"James, who is this?" she asked, pointing at me and Hermione and completely ignoring James' order.

"I don't know. They were just trying to explain, why Molly is pregnant with her" he pointed his wand at me. Lily narrowed her eyes.

"Okay, then why don't you explain it to me as well?" she said slowly. And after that there was silence, painful silence that seemed to go on forever. How were we supposed to explain ourselves? I really do not think Hermione thought that one through.

"We are from the future." Hermione said slowly, probably also realizing that her plan was not very good.

"And give us a reason to believe you?" Lily said. I noticed that her voice wasn't angry or scared it was intrigued and calm, mind you we were disarmed at the time so there really wasn't much to be scarred of.

"Ask us something," I said hoping it would be easy questions, but at the same time not knowing what they could possibly ask us to prove who we are.

"No, I have better idea" Hermione said, holding up her galleon, "let's just call Harry"

"But Hermione, he doesn't know we are here" I said worried. Harry might get upset. No, Harry would get upset. He would go bonkers.

"Yes, but he knows much more about them," Hermione argued.

"Doesn't he tell you like everything?" I 'asked'.

"Well no as a matter of fact," Hermione said a tiny bit annoyed, "for example he saw Snapes worst memory in his fifth year and me and Ron saw it in our last."

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