Chapter 3

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The clocks POV (ha ha)

"So what is your plan?" James asked, as they sat down for dinner. Lily had quickly prepared pasta and salads and James was pouring red wine into everyone's glasses.

"Well the general goal is saving you lot," Ginny said.

"Lot?" Lily repeated after her, "it's only the two of us, isn't it?"

"Oh well it's only you two from this time yes," Hermione said.

"This time?" James asked sternly as he helped himself to some salad.

"Well nobody important dies in the next 14 years and then it's-" Ginny started, but couldn't finish her sentence.

"Then it's who?" James asked again.

"Well I hope nobody who is close to us," Lily said as she had a sip of her wine. Hermione looked at her plate and Ginny looked at them and just shook her head.

"I'm sorry, but it's Sirius," Ginny said with a sad smile. James looked at the salad on his plate and the room fell into complete silence.

"But Sirius died when Harry was only 15, who took care of him afterwards?" Lily asked, breaking it, "was it Remus?"

"No, and Remus wouldn't be able to take care of him, because of his little problem" Ginny said.

"What about Frank and Alice?" Lily asked and looked at Ginny and Hermione. Hermione was about to answer the question, but Ginny interrupted her:

"No, look this is personal, I think it's Harry who should decide to tell you this and not us." 

"Are we're going to meet him?" James asked, looking away from his salad.

"Yes, without him, we can't really succeed" Hermione said.

"So who else apart from us?" Lily asked again.

"Well I was also thinking the Longbottoms" Ginny said slowly looking at Hermione.

"What happened to them?" Lily asked.

"Bellatrix tortured them," Ginny told her, "and they never recovered. Lived the rest of their lives in Mungo's and Neville had to practically grow up an orphan as well."

"With that scary grandmother of his by any chance?" James asked and Ginny nodded.

"Well in that case you should have saved them first and not us," James laughed, "I would not want to be stuck with her for 17 years, that's for sure."

"Come on cut the band-aid," Lily said impatiently, "give us all the names."

"Well it's not a lot of names, it's a bit of a selfish mission admittedly," Hermione said slowly, "but yes there are only three more people: Remus, Tonks and Ginny's brother Fred."

"Sirius's cousin married a Tonks, didn't she," James muttered to himself and then his eyes got a little bit wider, "wait a minute, did you say Remus?"

"Well this is just bloody brilliant isn't it," James said completely frustrated, "good to know that everybody we know is going to die in a few days. And may I just ask who the hell Tonks is?"

"An Order member," Hermione said simply. Her sentence was followed by a long and tortuous silence, which involved everybody at the table staring at their plates and not really wanting to eat anything, except for Harry, sitting in his high chair and playing with his pasta.


"So when are we meeting Harry?" Lily asked as she elegantly ordered the plates to gather in the sink with her wand.

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