Chapter 11

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"Wait so James is gonna be keeper?" Hermione asked as they sat down for breakfast and James explained their plan to them.

"Yes, I can't believe we hadn't thought of it before!" James said happily.

"I am very proud of you Prongs," Sirius said grumpily, "and I am also interested why you are telling us the plan again, since you have already announced it at 5 bloody o'clock in the morning."

"He what?" Ron asked as he dipped some toast into the yolk of his egg.

"You didn't hear him shout 'oh yes, what a brilliant idea' in the middle of the night?" Sirius asked Ron, amazed by his sleeping abilities and Ginny laughed.

"The plan does make a lot of sense," Harry said.

"Yes it really does," Hermione said, but there was something bothering her. Everybody looked at her.

"What is it Hermione?" Lily asked her gently.

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just, do you really want to use James?" she asked her. 

James was startled as he heard her finish her question and the cup of coffee in his hands found its way onto his lap, spilling its contents all over his pajamas. And he wasn't the only one in shock, even baby Harry looked at her confused. 

"And what's wrong with James being keeper?" Lily asked slowly.

"Well nothing is wrong with him-" Hermione started.

"Then why can't I be keeper?" James interrupted her, "you don't think I'm a traitor or something or is this not okay according to your 'plans'?"

"No, not at all" Hermione said hurriedly, "It's just..."

"Go on" Sirius said as she was looking for the right words to say.

"Well, I'm not saying that James is dangerous or a traitor or anything along these words, but it's just... You're reckless James, I'm sorry, but I think it would be safer if Lily was keeper," she finished. Her statement was followed by some more silence.

"Excuse me?" James asked, his voice weak and quiet. Hermione smashed her fingers together nervously, "but do you think I wouldn't protect my wife and son?"

"No, it's not that at all..." Hermione said and wanted to continue, but James raised his hand to make her go silent again.

"And you also think that I would put my wife in danger by being secret keeper," he slowly said, "what exactly do you think I am going to do? Go to the Three broomsticks and yell at the top of my lungs: 'Listen everyone I live in Godrick's Hollow' and send Voldemort my address?"

"No of course not, but you do not like being stuck inside and what if the death eaters find you when you out for fresh air?" Hermione tried to reason with him.

"And you think that I would just tell them?" 

"No, but if they use veritaserum, you wouldn't have a choice," Hermione pointed out.

"Well at least I would be the one getting tortured in this scenario and not Lily, for Merlin's sake, you really do want to put her into danger don't you?" James said annoyed, "there's a thought, why don't I just make baby Harry keeper instead?"

"Nonsense James, he can't even talk, how do you propose finding your own house if he was keeper," Hermione muttered.

"That's not the point!" James yelled, "can't you see that I would do anything to keep them safe?"

"Yes I do," Hermione said.

"Well apparently you do not," James snapped.

Hermione looked at him and put her hands into her hair, "okay fine, make James keeper, I just wanted to make sure you were making the right decision."

"Thank you," James snapped.

"Then I think our job is done here," Hermione quietly, "we'll wait until the 1st of November and we'll be out of your hair."

"Well not all of you," Sirius said looking at baby Harry.


"Lily are we 101% about this?" James asked his wife, as she was putting Harry down for his nap.

"Yes, except if you want me to-" Lily started but James shushed her.

"No I don't. It's just, Hermione got me thinking-" James started.

"Don't think about it too much James," Lily told him, "she is just looking out for us."

"Look, what Hermione said back there was right. I am reckless and I am not going to keep sane, if I am going to be locked inside this house all day," James said, "and as soon as Dumbledore returns my cloak I will go out of the house, I admit it."

"Of course you are," Lily said as she folded Harry's fresh blankets.

"And I know this means I might get captured," James continued.

"I don't think so," Lily said, "I doubt they are going to find somebody walking around underneath a cloak of invisibility in the middle of a forest."

"Will you let me finish," James said, letting out a weird and confusing laugh, as he rotated her shoulders clockwise so she was facing him, "I need you to promise me that if I don't come back, that you won't go looking for me, not to worry about me and if I do not return, if I go missing... Well keep your wand close by you and go to Hogwarts or go to Sirius, he'll take care of you, just don't worry about me..." His voice broke off. He gazed into her green eyes, which we tearing up and still stroking her cheek.

"James if you expect me to sit on my bum like an old lemon the whole day, while knowing that you are in danger, you are very much mistaken" Lily said

"Please," James said.

"Sorry but I love you to much to let you go," Lily said, her eyes were now full with tears, which slowly travelled down her cheeks. James brought his hand up to her face and used his thumbs to remove them. 

"I need you to promise Lily, I really do," he said after a moment of silence.

"James, tell me, would you promise me such a thing?" Lily asked him.

"Well no..."

"Then neither can I," Lily said and with that James gave up.

"Then I have to take extra care that nobody gets me," he said simply and let go of her.

"With that I agree," Lily said smiling.

James brought her face closer to his and kissed her deeply. She returned the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck, allowing one to get tangled in his hair. James slid one arm onto her waist and started drawing circles on her back with the other hand. Slowly he slid his hand beneath her shirt, stroking her bare back, making her hug him even more tightly.

"I love you," James moaned as they finally broke apart. Lily hugged him tightly and lent against his chest, while he rested his chin on her head.

"I love you too," she whispered.


So what do you think? James is still keeper and well you can see that there is no way for Lily to be keeper with him around, he loves her way too much. And well some of you... or one of you suggested for a time traveler to be keeper and go back into his own time... Well I thought that too, but well I guess that it could stop working, if the keeper wasn't in the same time... So it's risky.

So I have the slight feeling that this book might end pretty soon and I'm thinking about the sequel more and more. Actually like years ago, when I only saw the movies I used to imagine and make up stories of Lily and James's adventures if they hadn't died so yeah I think I'll have a few plots for the book. Let me warn you, there will be action!!!

Lighten up my day with Voting and Commenting!

So that's all,

I love you all,


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