Chapter 13

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James kept looking at the the two lines, both Lily and him agreed on one child. They didn't want to bring another human being into this mess that they called the world. But the harm was done. They were having another baby. In nine months it will be just like having Harry again. James smiled at the memories, of bringing his son back from the hospital, when he felt his first kick, when his little fingers got hold of his index, when he got hold of Lily's hair and wouldn't let go... As he thought of all those moments, happiness found a place in his heart. He didn't care. A thought of a new baby somehow didn't come as much of a shock as he thought it would. He pulled Lily closer to him and kissed her hair.

"I don't know how this happened," she said finally, "I know we both agreed on one child, I-"

"I know how it happened," James teased her and Lily glared at him

"It isn't exactly the best timing though is it," Lily stated.

"Well no," James said gently, "but I don't know, I feel like it was meant to be, I mean it is not like we were being reckless."

Lilly nodded, "I know, you are right, it's just, I'm a little bit scared. What if something happens?"

"Don't say that," James whispered.

"I know, I'm sorry, but I feel like I'm scared for it already," said Lily. 

"I know," James looked at her, "me too."


"What are they doing so long?" Sirius asked.

"Oh let them breathe Sirius," said Ginny.

"I am letting them breathe," Sirius mumbled.

"I'm guessing they have a few things to talk about," Hermione told him.

"Or maybe they are trying to create another" joked Sirius and received a smack from Ginny.

"It's nearly midnight" Harry changed the subject and looked out of the window. 

"I'm guessing that Voldemort is already tucked in bed," Ron yawned, "so why don't we do the same, since we have all the time traveling to do tomorrow."

"Yeah and all the memory charms," added Ginny.

"Wait a second, you're going to perform a memory charm on me?" Sirius stood up.

"Yes you, Lily, James, Remus, baby Harry, Dumbledore" said Hermione.

"But why?" asked Sirius.

"Well because you're not supposed to know us. How will you react when you'll see us as children in a few years?" Hermione asked him.

"Oh come on!" argued Sirius.

"Sirius, it's decided" snapped Hermione and Sirius sighed and sat back down. 


November the 1st

The four time travelers got up early in the morning, while the Potters were still sleeping peacefully. Hermione sneaked into their room and performed the memory charms as they continued sleeping, while Harry whispered goodbye to them, hoping that he will get to see them when he returns back home. After that they walked into the living room, where Sirius was snoring on the sofa and obliviated him as well.

They left the house and travelled to Yorkshire, where they entered Remus's house, where Ron was almost hit by a stunning spell.

"What in the name of Merlin are you doing here?" Remus asked him as he revealed his location from behind a nearby corner of the house.

"We are ready to go back home," Harry told him, "and-"

"And you want to obliviate me," Remus finished his sentence, "very well, just don't completely mess it up."

"Don't worry, Hermione is a professional," Ron said.

"I don't even want to know," Remus chuckled as he lowered his wand and braced himself. Hermione whispered the spell and they disapparated.

"Only Dumbledore left," Ginny said as they arrived in Hogsmeade.

"I gather you were successful," they heard a cheerful voice say behind them.

"That man is always a step ahead of us isn't he," Ron whispered as they turned around.

"We were" Hermione whispered, "we saved them."

"Well I am curious how it is going to work out for you," Dumbledore admitted, "also if you wouldn't mind, I would really much enjoy keeping the knowledge I currently possess."

"But..." Hermione tried arguing.

"I believe you did not share any crucial information with me," Dumbledore continued to explain, "and therefore there is no damage in letting an old man keep his brain."

"But you will know who we are," Hermione insisted.

"And I shall look forward to meeting you again," Dumbledore smiled, turned around and vanished.

"Well I'm not running after him," Ron said simply and took the time turner out of Hermione's pocket.


"There's a quidditch match, I've been waiting to go to for a month now," Ron told her. Hermione snatched the time turner and the room started spinning and spinning into the unknown.

The end

Oh hello!!!

I can't believe this is happening, I ended the book.... Did you like the ending??? I really didn't know how to do it.

Anyway if you liked this book don't forget that I am writing a SEQUEL!!! It's called If they lived and it is going to be f u n. (self promotion on point)

Anyway hope you enjoyed the story. I'll miss you all and I must thank you for being the best readers ever. 

Thank you for each vote and comment and I love you all.

Lizzie :)

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