Chapter 9

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"I can't see," Ron whispered as he looked through the window, "it's pitch black outside, but I think he looks a lot like-"

"Dumbledore?" James asked, "what is the question we always ask you and tell me the answer to it." 

They heard somebody chuckle from the other side of the door.

"What my favorite jam flavor is," he said, "it's raspberry."

"Lily" Hermione spoke in an urgent hushed voice, "don't forget to tell him about the secret keeper switch." Lily nodded.

"You gave us all a heart attack," Sirius said, as Dumbledore entered the house.

"I do apologize Sirius," Dumbledore chuckled as he looked at him from above his glasses.

"So what brings you here Albus?" James asked, ignoring Sirius.

"Well first, I'm very sorry about the fright I gave you," Dumbledore said, still looking at Sirius, "I'm here primarily because of the secret keeper issue."

"We well are thinking about bluffing" Lily said, following Hermiones advice. Dumbledore raised his eyebrows.

"Explain," he said simply.

"Well," Sirius took over, "when Voldemort discovers that Lily and James had gone into hiding, who will he think of as the most obvious person possessing the knowledge of their location? Me. If he finds out that it was the fidelius charm, who will he think is the secret keeper? Me."

"So what we could do is use Peter as secret keeper, but say that it's Sirius, so everybody goes after him, meanwhile Peter goes into hiding" James finished and Dumbledore remained silent, probably thinking it through.

"The plan is tricky," he finally said.

"Why?" James asked sharply.

"Well because if anything goes wrong, Sirius will be charged as guilty" 

"Not if you know about it" James said 

"James I know that this is your decision, but you need to perform the charm by next week, do you understand me?"

"Yes" James said and Dumbledore nodded.

"Besides," Dumbledore said, looking at the door separating him from the time travelers, "it seems to me that you are in good hands."

"Have a pleasant evening," Dumbledore wished him and left. Lily, James and Sirius entered the living room.

"Alright what we are going to do is that Sirius is secret keeper and comes to live with us," James said, completely ignoring the statement Dumbledore has given a few moments ago.

"What?" Ginny exclaimed, "but that will change the future completely!" 

"I know but I can't risk Lily's and Harry's life," James said.

"Wouldn't it be better to time travel and just kill Voldemort when he was a boy?" Harry asked

"And that Harry would change the future completely and utterly," Hermione said and patted his back.

"And wouldn't life be really boring without death eaters," Sirius added.

"It would result you living longer," Harry told him.

"At least I lived an exciting life-" Sirius said.

"Rotting away in Azkaban," Harry finished his sentence.

"No that is completely unacceptable," Hermione said, "we could cause to much trouble by doing something like that."

"Yeah maybe Voldemort would be known as the innocent child who got murdered by the evil Harry Potter" Sirius said with laugh 

"You know I don't think that this whole saving thing is working out," Ron said, "maybe Hermione, it would be better if we just changed the future and make a secret keeper, which won't betray them."

"But-" Hermione tried arguing.

"Look Lily does not want to be separated from Harry and James probably won't be happy knowing that his friends are going to face a living hell, while he's chilling in the future," Ron explained.

"What about our friendship Ron?" Hermione asked.

"We are still gonna be in the same school at the same time, I'm positive that if it was meant for all of us to be friends, we will be friends, even if Harry doesn't have the big old scar on his forehead."

"I agree with Ron," said Harry.

"So all we need now is to make a good secret keeper, keep him safe and that's that," Hermione said.

"And we're safe," James said and put his hand around Lily and buried his head in her hair.

Hi guys!!!!

I had a MAJOR writers block and I had to make up my mind who was going to be at the front door. I really didn't know what to do.

Anyway I was thinking of doing a sequel to this book -If Lily and James lived- kind of thing, because I have this feeling that it will be the end of this one soon, so please tell me if you would read it (btw I would be making it properly original)

Hmmm and also tell me what you think about this awfully simple plan.

Vote, comment (and tell me about what you think of the sequel) and I shall be seeing you again soon :)

Lizzie :)

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