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Hi guys!

I think that I owe you an explanation for why I cannot continue the story.

So when James was made secret keeper, Harry, Ginny Hermione and Ron were worried about their friendship. They were worried because  when James was made keeper in order that Lily, Harry and him will survive the night, the future will change.

Look at it this way. Lily and James, along with Harry live, means also that Voldemort won't loose his powers. He will get stronger and stronger... The world might be completely different from the books. There might not be a battle of the department of mysteries or battle of the astronomy tower or battle of Hogwarts. So the time travelers wouldn't even know where to and to which time they should travel to save anybody.

I'm sorry... I would love to continue the book too. But there is a sequel *wink* and you might find out what happens.

Because I am an awful self promotor I shall even give you this linky-poo to the sequel IF THEY LIVED:


It would mean loads to me if you read it...

If you have any more questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them.

Love you all

Lizzie :)

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