Chapter 7

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"Okay, so we have a few problems," Hermione started as they all sat down together in the living room the next day.

"One of them is that Harry needs blood protection from Lily," Hermione said.

"Well that's the biggest problem isn't it," Harry said, "you can't just simply cast a spell." 

"True, but maybe it works on other things and not just killing curses," Ginny said slowly.

"Yeah maybe Lily could take a tickling charm instead of a killing curse" Ron said sarcastically.

"I love to hear you all talking and making plans," James interrupted, "but we would really be happy if somebody told us what freaking blood protection we're talking about." 

"Well when Voldemort asked Lily to step aside so that he could kill Harry, she refused to do so and then of course Voldemort lost his patience. Well by refusing to step aside she left some sort of blood protection on Harry and therefore Voldemort couldn't touch him, which led to his defeat and also helped Harry on several occasions later on in the future" Hermione explained.

"Dumbledore referred to it as ancient magic," Harry added.

"Okay," James said and began thinking.

"Maybe it works on all unforgivable curses," Harry said, thinking out loud.

"Wow wow hold it," James said sternly, "Lily is not receiving a crucio, so you can stop with that train of thoughts right here and there."

"Harry Potter, the boy to whom unforgivable curses are drawn to and also the boy who is drawn to unforgivable curses," Ron remarked, receiving a few glares.

"Unnecessary Ronald," Hermione muttered.

"It does not need to be the cruciatus curse," Ginny continued the previously interrupted conversation, "the imperius curse should also work, following that logic."

"And how are we going to make Voldemort decide which spell to use?" Hermione asked.

"By using the imperius curse," Ron sarcastically suggested.

"Are you listening, no unforgivables on Lily" James said slightly angry, "it is out of the question and I will not allow it."

"We don't want to hurt Lily," Ron said, "it's just-"

"We are just trying to leave with Harry having blood protection from her," Ginny explained.

"Hold it right there," Lily said loudly, "are you suggesting that I'll have to leave Harry here alone and go back with you?"

"I'll be fine," Harry said.

"How can I know that," Lily asked.

"I'm right here," Harry stated.

"That doesn't mean that you were alright," Lily said stubbornly, "and also the previous statement 'Harry Potter, the boy to whom unforgivable curses are drawn to and also the boy who is drawn to unforgivable curses,' supports my worries."

"It was just a joke," Ron quickly tried to defend himself.

"I honestly don't care," Lily said coldly, "I don't even know who took care of you after Sirius had died."

"Is that even important?" Harry asked, sending Ginny and Hermione a confused look, since Lily and James were apparently not aware of Sirius's sentence to Azkaban.

"Harry James Potter where did you live?" Lily asked again. James was looking worriedly from Lily to Harry and back to Lily and back to Harry.

"I bet it wasn't that bad, was it Harry?" he asked, encouraging him to nod.

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