Chapter 4

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So I must convince Harry to go to Godricks Hollow with me... well that sounds like a piece of pumpkin pasties. He will never agree. He has to much of a history at that place, but the plan was so bloody good and I Ron Weasley will not ruin it. 

I slowly knocked on Harry's door. He was probably just staring into the air or something.

"Yes," I heard him shout. Well he allowed me to come in. That's something.

"Hi Harry," I said, trying to sound as casual as I could, while opening the door.

"What is it?" Harry asked. Merlin was I really such a bad actor?

"Well nothing, I was just wondering if well... I still didn't see Godricks Hollow and your parents house... I wasn't with you at the time...I was just wondering if you would-"

"Go by yourself," Harry interrupted me.

"Harry why don't you come, perhaps you could go and see your parents again," I tried and well that probably wasn't the best thing to say to somebody suffering from post-war depression.

"Ron I can't see them, only their graves and firstly I saw those already and secondly it wasn't very fun," Harry said.

"But that was when you still had a part of you know V-mort inside you" I said. I never got over the fear of saying his name.

I glanced at my watch. Bloody hell I was late.

Before Harry could register, I got hold of him and we dissaparated.


The air's POV 

"Ron, what the hell?" Harry asked his best friend, his cheeks red from anger.

"Harry I'm sorry, but its all a part of the plan" Ron tried to explain.

"Plan? What plan?" Harry asked impatiently.

"Look-" he was cut of by somebody's voice.

"Ron? Harry?" 

It was Ginny.

"Ginny!" Harry lightened up a little bit as she ran up to him and hugged him, "where were you?"

"Well that's for me to know and you to find out." she said mysteriously and pulled out the time turner.

"What are you," Harry started talking as he saw what she was doing, "Gin, this is a time turner, what are you doing with a time turner?"

"Harry, please calm down, please, it's all planned out, really," she confidently lied to him.

"What are you saying?" Harry asked carefully.

"Please Harry, please, just don't get mad," Ginny begged him.

"Alright, I trust you, but a time turner only goes back in hours, what would you want to change?"  Ginny didn't answer. She put the time turner around him and Ron and turned it.  Everything started spinning and they were standing in the past.

Harry looked at the house confused. It was in a much better state, not even in ruins, but a lovely house... what was going on? Ginny led them to the front door, or putting it in perspective more accurately, Ron and Ginny walked to the front door, dragging Harry behind them. Ginny knocked on the door. They heard a crash and somebody rushing towards the door.

"Gin-" Harry started, still stunned by the whole situation, "Ginny let go of me!"

"Not now, just wait," Ginny whispered.

TIME TRAVEL TO SAVE THEM (Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now