Chapter 12

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The charm has been performed. James Potter was now secret keeper.

"You know we came here to save a very big amount of people," said Ginny as the time travelers sat around the table.

"And ended up only saving two people," said Ron.

"But we completely changed the future," Hermione reasoned, "Merlin knows when the others are going to die."

"Will Voldemort ever die?" Harry asked, looking at the ceiling.

"Voldemort?" Hermione exclaimed and sighed, "we really did make a complete mess of things."

"Why?" asked Ginny, "it might sort itself out in a much better outcome."

"Ture, but it might also cause them all suffer more" explained Hermione, "we don't know what's going to happen, maybe Lily and James will be killed the next day."

"I doubt that's going to happen," said Ron, "they are safe now."

"Ron's right," said Ginny, "unless James really does go out of his way to write a letter to Voldemort, nobody is going to find them for some time."

"Yeah I guess you are right," Hermione said with a smile. She then looked at Harry, who was staring at the wall, "penny for your thoughts?" 

Ron and Ginny looked at her, confused as any witch or wizard could be. 

"Well," Harry started, "I was wondering what's going to happen to us."

"That I have no idea," Hermione admitted.

"Let's think of it as a surprise" said Ginny.

"I don't know whether you sound like a child or a mother talking to a child" said Ron.


October 31st

Lily, James, Sirius, Harry, baby Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny sat in the living room. James was playing with little Harry on the sofa. Making smoke appear from his wand and Harry tried to catch it in his small fists.

They could hear the trick-or-treaters outside, laughing and talking as they collected candy. Godrick's hollow was lightened up with candles and colourful decorations. There was positive energy everywhere and no sign of any danger, while the older Harry stared at his father as he acted out the exact same scene Harry had witnessed only a few months ago through the eyes of Voldemort himself. It made him uncomfortable and he was sitting up straight, alert, with his wand in his hand.

"In a few years" James said, as he lifted baby Harry up to hand him to his mother, "Harry is going to go trick-or-treating with his friends"

"Or siblings," said Lily, as she picked up her child.

"Sibling?" asked James sharply. Lily looked at him, her face was full of horror.

"I am putting this little one to bed," she said quickly and escaped from the situation. James sat still on the sofa in shock. He tossed his wand on the sofa and messed up his hair with his hands.

"Oh I have a feeling that Harry is getting a present in nine months," Sirius said happily. Harry was completely stiff and speechless. Was this also the conversation they had in his timeline? James got up and went after Lily, ignoring his best friends comment.

"Just a second" Sirius said suddenly "If Lily and James are having a baby they had too... oh Merlin I might have witnessed the creation of the baby"

"That's very good Sirius," Ginny said.

"A marvellous accomplishment," Ron added.

"No actually it was pretty disgusting," Sirius said, "but then I will be able to tell the child 'you know I was there when you were being created' and then I'll be able to blackmail the whole Potter family, that I will tell..."


"Lily!" James called his wife as he reached the top of the stairs. He went to the nursery, but she wasn't there.

"Lily!" he called again as he went down the hallway, he heard her sobbing from the bedroom. James gently knocked on the door, but no answer came. Slowly he opened the door and found her on the bed, with Harry in her arms. James's gaze travelled to the rest of the bed and saw a pregnancy test lying in front of her. James walked over and sat on the bed next to her. Lily looked up, moved closer to him and dug her head into his chest. James hugged her tightly and looked at the positive pregnancy test.

"Why did pee on a stick again?" he asked her, "I've said it with Harry and I shall say it again: there is a perfectly good spell that tells you exactly the same thing."


The time travelers are going the next day, so I'm dividing the last chapter into two, because I really don't want this book to end!

And yes, so about the baby. I know there famous rumour that Lily was pregnant when she died and that Snape was going to be the godfather XD very funny stuff. Also I know that J. K. Rowling said that Lily was not pregnant, but I still, maybe the time meddling made this happen.

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I love you loads,

Lizzie :)

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