Chapter 5

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"Alright, so what's the plan?" Harry asked as they walked back to the house.

"Well I don't really know, to be honest," Hermione sighed, "you are, after all, the only one who knows exactly what's going to happen."

"Okay... I don't exactly agree with you to be frank," Harry said slowly and gave it a thought, "but regarding the saving part, isn't it best to use a different secret keeper?"

"Yes that is a possibility," said Hermione, "but we don't want to mess up the future, do we?"

"No, we don't, but if we don't want to change the future it makes it almost impossible," Harry said, "how are you going to make Voldemort disappear or create the blood protection?"

"I don't know yet," Hermione admitted, "but as you said, it is almost impossible, so I am still determined to find a way."

"Alright I trust you," said Harry, "but if that kills anyone, I swear I-"

"It won't Harry, I promise you," Hermione said. 

Soon they reached the cottage, where the Potters lived and Ginny hugged him around the waist, "come on, now! You want to meet your parents, don't you?"

"And what am I?" James asked, "a goat?"

"Sorry James!" Hermione said, looking back at him.

"Where did you see a goat?" Ron asked confused.

"I didn't exactly see a goat Ron," James said, "but I  did see a sign with a stag on it, but I am a stag, so that comment wouldn't exactly work, so I figured that it looked like a goat and here we are!"

Ginny, Hermione and Ron laughed at him. Harry meanwhile did not. He has been avoiding his father. Hermione tried to say something, but in no time they were back at the house, where the others were all waiting for them.

"For Merlins freaking hats sake! Don't you just run away like this," Sirius said as they reached the front door.

"Get inside everybody, we were worried sick," Lily added and as they got inside she looked at James.

"And you!" she exclaimed, "you ran after him. Why in the name of Merlin would you run after somebody who looks exactly like you? If you were seen..."

As Lily talked on, Ginny pulled Harry aside, " Harry you know you can talk to me right?"

"I do," Harry aswered and looked away.

"Hey," Ginny went on, "hey whats wrong?"

"Nothing." Harry said, which made Ginny rather upset.

"Harry James Potter! Don't you dare tell me nothing is wrong, when you quite clearly can't even look at your parents."

"Yes I am avoiding eye contact," Harry agreed.

"But, why?" Ginny asked.

"Because if all of this goes wrong, I'll have to get over their death again," Harry explained.

"Harry I know you're scared, I would be too," Ginny sain, "but this is what you always wanted - you have the chance to meet your parents! And if something does go wrong we can always obliviate you."

"And what if you, Ron or Hermione get killed?" Harry asked.

"Oh Harry we won't..." Ginny tried reassuring him.

"You can't promise me that." Harry snapped.

"Oh come on, we are not in any actual danger at the moment are we," Ginny said, "and besides it is not like we are going to battle Voldemort or something stupid, we are trying to save your parents. So please don't be a grump."

"A grump?" Harry repeated after her.

"Yes Harry, you know, Hermione could have gone to Australia to look for her parents, but instead she is here, risking her future to help you," Ginny said, her voice containing a little sparkle of anger, "so I would strongly suggest not only realizing that people are here to help you, but also getting your manure together, grasp this unique opportunity and actually get to know your parents, instead of getting to know them from what everybody else had to say about them."

"You are right," Harry said after a pause, "you are right, I'm sorry."

Ginny smiled as they walked back to the house, where everybody was waiting for them. Lily was first to stand up and walk up to him.

"Harry," she said softly, motherly - the kind of treatment Harry never got.

"Mum," was the only word he could say. He hugged her, with tears in his eyes.


"And then I found him in the forest and you will never guess who was there with him. It was Snape! And when he saw me," James's story was interrupted by his own laughter, "you should really have been there to his face. It was priceless. He probably thought Harry was me or something. To be honest, I didn't even think he'll need any stunning, he was on the edge of a heart attack already anyway," he looked at Harry, "you really should have waited a bit longer before stunning him you know, I quite like talking to him."

The last comment made Sirius choke on his wine, "stop confusing the poor boy James."

"What did Snape say to you?" Lily asked Harry.

"Oh nothing new," Harry said casually.

"What do you mean nothing new?" James asked confused.

"Do you know him?" Remus asked.

"He was our potions teacher," Ron said, which made Sirius choke on his firewhiskey.

"Has Dumbledore gone mad?!" he practically yelled, as he picked up his wine to relieve the burning sensation from the firewhiskey.

"Do you need another alcoholic drink to help with the wine?" Lily asked him and he shushed her.

"Stop interrupting the conversation Lily dear," he said quietly and then looked at Ron, "so when exactly does Dumbledore go mad?"

"Oh believe me," Ron said, "we've been asking ourselves the same question all up to Snapes death."

"Well at least Snape dies," James said with a smile.

"James... don't" Lily warned.

"Oh for Merlin's sake! Are you actually saying that you would rather have him alive?" James snapped and Lily glared at him, while Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione just looked at each other, but remained silent.

"You know I'm right Lily," James continued, "he is a death eater and my vote is that death eaters die and non-death eaters live." 

"Sensible vote," Ron agreed.

"See Lily, you know we're right," James said and to kiss her forehead, but was rudely interrupted, by Sirius.

"Stop it or my eyes will pop."

"When are you going to get used to us kissing?" James asked.

"Simple, never." Sirius told them.

"Well you'll have to," James said and kissed Lily, but this time they were interrupted by a screaming baby Harry.

"Check his eyes," Sirius said, "They might have popped."

Lily rolled her eyes and picked up Harry, "well I guess it's bedtime," she said, "goodnight everyone!"

"Hey what about me?" James asked.

"I suggest you move your lazy arse upstairs and help me put Harry to bed if I'm quite honest," Lily said and James turned around and smiled happily.

"I guess it's bedtime for me as well!" James announced and went after Lily.

"I feel bad for you mate," Sirius said to grown-up Harry, "your father has no filter."

"Is it just me or do they always just disappear and leave us down here like we live here?" Remus asked.

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