Chapter 10

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At 5 o'clock in the morning the following day, Lily and James woke up as they heard little Harry crying. Lily slowly rushed to the nursery to see if everything was alright, because Harry was never a noisy baby. She found him wide awake, standing up, by holding onto the bars of his cot.

"What's the matter sweetheart?" she asked as she picked him up. Harry immediately stopped crying and buried his face in her shoulder. Lily looked around the room in case of anything strange being around, but saw nothing. 

'He was probably just feeling lonely' she thought, as she checked if his nappy was full. She stroked his back gently and carried him into the bedroom, where James was sitting on the bed partly still asleep.

"What was it?" he asked and yawned

"Nothing much, probably just feeling lonely," Lily said and sat back down on the bed. James looked at her relieved and crawled back under the blanket.  

"He has to learn some manners," James muttered.

"What can I say," Lily yawned as she got under the blanket with James, "he has your genes."

James turned to face her and got his arm underneath her head. Harry was placed in the middle and Lily was on her side, facing James and had her hand her hand across her son, on James's chest. They stayed like that, for a while, just enjoying their presence. The couple stayed awake and watched their son as he slept. 

"He turns out to be quite a person, doesn't he," Lily whispered and James nodded.

"Only Merlin knows what he had to go through though," he answered.

"Well that is over now," Lily said confidently, "we won't leave him here, alone."

"Or at least kill Petunia before we die," James muttered. 

"Not funny," Lily whispered.

"Well it is true," James said, readjusting his arm, "they probably made him sleep in a cardboard box."

"Don't exaggerate," Lily smiled.

"You're right," James said chuckling, "they probably had him sleep in a roll of newspaper."

"James it's not funny," Lily said laughing slightly.

"I know," James sighed, "I just can't help but wonder."

"So do I," Lily whispered.

"You know, I don't think I want to make Sirius keeper," James changed the subject.

"I know," Lily said, "it is not fair."

"What about if we use somebody completely non-obvious, like Hagrid," Lily was thinking out loud and James looked at her surprised and laughed.

"Yeah it will be so difficult to get information out of him, especially after a few firewhiskeys," he said, "maybe we could still ask Dumbledore?"

"But he's done so much for us already," Lily said slowly.

"Well let him do a little more," James said like a child and Lily glared at him, but didn't answer. She continued thinking.

"Why not you, or me be secret keeper?" she asked suddenly.

"Me?" asked James.

"Yes you," Lily said again.

"Do you think it would work?" 

"Well I think it should," Lily said slowly, "after all, the secret keeper is always allowed to be in the house and you can always be protected by it."

 "That Lily is a brilliant idea!" James exclaimed and kissed her forehead. 

"Then we'll be protected no matter what! Nobody will get their hands on the secret keeper, because it will be me and I'm always here, under the protection!" James said, "that's what we are going to do!"

"Shut up James," came Ginny's voice from across the wall.


 I know it's a short update, but I think that using James as keeper is a good plan. You know I never really understood why he wasn't keeper in the first place. At first I thought that the person living there couldn't be keeper, but in the last book Bill is keeper of the Shell cottage, so I see no reason why James couldn't be. Also why didn't Dumbledore suggest that to the Potters? It is all very fishy.

Vote and Comment please and I shall see you again soon,


Lizzie :)

Oh and thank you for the feedback it really made my day :)

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