Chapter 6

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"Well I'm tired" Sirius said and stood up lazily and yawned, "so if you would excuse me I shall get going," 

"Alright," Hermione said.

"Second thoughts, let me just go to the bathroom," Sirius announced and they all nodded. He made his way upstairs and they heard him mutter, "they are so quiet."

Suddenly Sirius's loud footsteps stopped.

"Looks like he successfully reached the bathroom," Ginny told everyone, achieving a small laughter from Ron and then there was silence. Until- 

"MY EYES!" They heard Sirius scream, followed by his footsteps running down the stairs. At the same time little Harry started crying and soon as Sirius reached the bottom of the stairs they heard a new voice:

"Sirius Black, you absolute idiot!" It was Lily.

"Hide me," Sirius yelped and went behind Ginny and Hermione, "last time she swore to Merlin that she'll Siriusly harm me if I do it again!" 

Not long after that James came down the stairs in his dressing gown with a copy of the Daily prophet in his hand. 

"If it wasn't for Harry crying Lily would smack you over the head with this," he said and held up the newspaper.

"Thanks Harry," Sirius said and then looked at James, "you won't smack me will you Prongs?" 

"I think she gave me the Daily prophet for me to smack you, but nah," James laughed and sat on the sofa.

"Thanks," Sirius wanted to hug him, but then changed his mind. 

"Why on gods green earth did you go into the room?" Remus asked him.

"His glasses were on the floor," Sirius hurried to explain, "and then something crashed in their room, so I wanted to make sure James was alright"

"So let me get this straight," James said, "you thought that I lost my glasses and closed myself in the bedroom and began searching for them and knocked something over?" 

"Well it sound stupid when you say it like that," Sirius said, while Remus shook his head laughing.

"Sirius!" Lily came down the stairs. The four time travelers looked at each other, some amused, others in shock.

"I think we'll just," Harry started.

"Go to bed," Hermione continued.

"We are really tired," Ginny agreed

"Yeah with the time travelling and stuff," Ron added and they all quietly made their way upstairs.

"That was awkward," Ginny stated.

"Hear hear," Ron agreed.

"Sirius is completely different from the Sirius we knew, isn't he?" Hermione said.

"Young, happy and carefree," Harry said. 

"I only know Lily and James for a day or so and I'm already sad that they aren't alive in our time," Hermione said sadly.

"They are really nice people," Ginny agreed.

"War eh," said Ron, "kills everybody you love."

"And we are about to change it," Hermione said firmly, "goodnight everyone!"


"Sirius," Lily said again, as the time travelers conveniently went to bed.

"You don't know how to knock do you?" Lily went on, "just burst into the room."

"On the bright side you didn't have the lights on," Sirius said and Lily glared at him and snatched the newspaper.

"This was the THIRD time you did it already," she hissed and tapped the top of his head with the Daily prophet, causing Sirius to yelp.

"Merlin what do you think I am? A fly?" James burst into laughter as Sirius said it. Lily shot him a glare.

"What? Do you think it's funny?" she asked him and James immediately stopped laughing.

"No of course not," it was Sirius's turn to laugh.

"Oh for Merlin's sake James if we don't make a stop to it, he'll do it till the end of his life"

"What am I? A dog?"

"Which might not be long" James said, ignoring Sirius's complaint and Lily fell silent. Sirius was quiet as well. It was obvious why James wasn't mad at him. He didn't want to have any fights but try and enjoy the last potential days of his life.

"I'm sorry, goodnight," James said and made his way upstairs as quickly as possible.

"James," Lily managed to say and then she looked at Sirius, "I'm sorry as well." 

she rushed upstairs, leaving a very guilty Sirius and Remus on their own. Sirius sighed and sat on the sofa not knowing what to do. Remus put his hand on his shoulder.

"It's going to be alright mate."


"James," Lily  said as she walked into the bedroom and saw James sitting on the bed, his head in his hands.

"James?" Lily said again, this time more gentle. James looked up at her.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Whatever for?" Lily asked, "there is absolutely nothing to be sorry for." 

"But what if I can't save you, what if you die and I live?"

"Then you live," Lily said simply.

"I can't live without you though."

"I can't live without you either."

"But Lily I really don't want anything to happen to you or Harry."

"James why do you think Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny came? To help us. And if you think that Harry and his friends are stupid then yes, you can be worried, but I don't think they are. I trust them. I trust our son."

"The sorting hat really did put you into the right house," James said simply.


I was wondering why do I always end a chapter with a slightly emotional Lily and James scene...

Anyway hope you liked it...

The next chapter might take long to update because I have to make my mind up (I have two ideas for this book and have no idea which one to choose) 


Lizzie :)

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