Adorable Jealousy

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It was a chilly Friday evening in the Edwards household. Jade and I were currently laying on the couch, cuddling and relaxing because today was a day for us to rest and release the fatigue that has caught us in the studio. Today also marks the day of the Glory Days album to be released and me and the girls just wanted to relax for a while before celebrating for the album release party which will be held tonight.

Me and Jade are actually waiting for Jesy and Leigh-Anne who are in the supermarket nearby whilst watching Tangled, which was evidently picked by none other than Jade herself. Actually, to be quite frank here, I kind of got bored of the movie but who am I to decline the pretty lady's offer, right?


"Mhmm?" I hummed in response, my eyes switching from the flat-screen television to Jade's eyelids, flickering as she tries to look up to meet my gaze.

"I love you." She spoke softly, not realizing how adorable she sounded right now.

I smiled. "I love you, too."

     "I'm hungry. Can I eat you instead?" She joked, smirking.

     "I'm not a food nor a drink to satisfy your needs, Jade." I teased, though as much as I wanted to do it right here and right now with her, I'd rather be a good friend and wait until Jesy and Leigh are already gone for good.

     Jade smirked at my statement and I saw a tint of redness coloring her cheeks, which made her look adorable—not like she's never adorable.

     "Trust me, babe, you satisfy my needs." She spoke somewhat seductively and she sends me a wink afterwards.

     This time, she made me blush madly. "You kinky little cow!" I gasped.

     "What can I say?" Jade shrugged before leaning up to peck me on the lips. She smiles mischievously. "I'm your kinky little cow."

     I leaned my head forward, desiring to feel Jade's lips on mine once more, but soon was interrupted by several knocks on the door and a "Perrie! Open up!" coming from the two girls.

     I sighed and rolled my eyes. They couldn't have picked a better time to arrive. Jade giggled as she unwraps her arm from my body and leaned back on the other side of the couch, but not before she sends me a sneaky wink which I was glad I caught.

     "Geez, Pez. Took you five minutes to open the door, huh?" Jesy teased as the girls stepped inside the house and dropped their grocery bags along with their purses on the glass coffeetable in the living room.

     "Yeah, Pez. We assumed you guys must be doing it while me and Jess were grocery shopping, aye?" Leigh added, her smirk evident. She grabbed her waterbottle from her purse and started drinking.

     "Actually, if you guys really took your time there, me and Pez would've done it probably twice." Jade chimed in, trying her best to stifle a laugh. She was obviously trying to make the afro girl choke from her drink.

     And as expected, Leigh-Anne did choke from her drink and the rest of us started cachinnating by the sight. Leigh wiped the beads of water mixed with her saliva on her mouth and glared at all of us.

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