Taco Tuesday

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"You up for 'Taco Tuesday'?"

A grin splashed across Perrie's features as she lifts her fingers up from the keyboard. She could recognize Jade's voice from anywhere, even when the older woman quit work nearly a year ago.

"'Taco Tuesday'?" Perrie reiterated teasingly at the term Jade coined for their day of the week. "I believe I wasn't given a memo regarding that."

The blonde swivelled her chair to discover her long-missed former workmate leaning her body on the door of the office they once worked together in. Jade's grin clearly reflected Perrie's, both so wide their eyes were practically sightless. The petite woman has her favorite parka merely draped over her shoulders though Jade wasn't really wearing it in the sleeves. Her appearance — her snug black turtle neck tucked inside her skinny and denim ripped jeans and black suade booties that seemed newly bought — made her look like the city girl that Perrie once thought Jade was when the latter stepped foot into Perrie's life.

Jade shook her head playfully. "It's a good morning for me today but I swear — if you even forgot about our day . . ."

"Relax, sunshine," Perrie giggled, shaking her head this time. "There was never a day I forgot about it."

The older woman's grin had grown wider if plausible at Perrie's response. Jade pushed herself from the frame of the door, now standing straight as she spreads her arms wide open.

She sighed out joyfully, "I haven't seen you in so long, so might as well welcome me with a power hug?"

Perrie didn't have to be told twice for she was too stoaked to after 10 months of not seeing her. She stood up abruptly and practically galumphed across the room towards her. Her lips grazed along Jade's cheek as she gives it a light peck before completely enveloping Jade's thin-framed body in an embrace. They remained their position for a few moments, revelling in each other's touch, and practically eking out the hug than they would with other acquaintances.

But that's just about it, they weren't even just acquaintances.

"I wasn't expecting you to come home yet, to be frank," Perrie revealed as she pulled away, her eyes roaming over Jade's face and body as she takes it all in.

"Me, too. It was a spur of the moment." Jade looked down shyly when she noticed Perrie shamelessly perusing her appearance. She awkwardly scratches the back of her neck as she shrugged her shoulders. "And besides, I missed you too much to wait until I could see you again."

"Are you ever coming back there in Miami?" Perrie asked.

Jade felt despondent at that question. And she looked up to find Perrie in the same boat as her. But she answered regardless. "I am, actually. I'm coming back two days from now."

"Oh." Perrie looked down. "Isn't it too early?"

"Phil needed me to accommodate our summer associates working for us the whole summer," Jade said. She cleared her throat and nodded towards their office door. "Wanna get outta here? I hope you haven't eaten breakfast though because I found a place that sells a big-ass taco . . ."

Perrie instinctively looked at the digital clock sitting on her desk and nodded in confirmation. She hadn't had breakfast yet so it was like hitting two birds with one stone; she could converse with Jade and satisfy her hunger.

"Yeah. Let's get outta here already."


Breakfast turned into lunch, lunch turned into pre-dinner, pre-dinner turned into dinner and dinner turned into post-dinner with drinks and mirthful colloquies and pointless debates. And both Perrie and Jade didn't mind spending the whole day with each other. Sure — there were times where Perrie was bustling and drowning with the overwhelmingness of worksheets and files in her work computer within the day, but Jade didn't ponder for the second time to avail the blonde and Perrie never once uttered a rejection.

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