Let It Go

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Seeing Jade sleeping with another woman caused Perrie in a total mental breakdown, considering she was so engrossed with her work and end up being shouted at by her boss.

It was a horrible event.

It was their second anniversary as a wedded couple when Jade decided to not respond to Perrie's relentless texts nor call her back and it started to aggravate the worry that Perrie is feeling at that time. And as to why Jade would suddenly neglect her is beyond her knowledge.

Perrie tried to remember the crucial events that happened the other week, the week where Jade and Perrie were so happy and contented.

Though there were times where Jade and Perrie fought, she was certain that those fights and arguments couldn't possibly drive their relationship away. Nor lead Jade to cheat on her.

Perrie's currently a mess right now. Sitting on her couch, watching Jade's proposal for her a year ago, whilst drinking her whiskey. You could tell that the video she's watching is surely breaking her heart. And the thought of Jade sleeping naked with another woman is slowly digging a humongous hole in her heart as well.

Perrie tilted her head up, resting it on her couch, a tear falling from her watery eyes, followed by thousands.

Why didn't I notice it?

Perrie closed her eyes, once again thinking of Jade's actions, desperately seeking for any signs that Jade is getting tired of their relationship, though she was frustrated that she was too blind to even see it.

She was blinded by her unconditional love for her wife that she couldn't see what Jade is actually doing once she closed the door.

And Perrie was oblivious to even check what's going on with her.

Then she heard her phone blow off, indicating that somebody is calling her and she placed her bottle of whiskey on the marble coffeetable before picking it up.

"Hey, babe. I miss you."

Hearing her wife's lovely voice made Perrie's heart break like pieces of glass scattered on the floor. She almost forgot that Jade didn't know that Perrie saw her sleeping with another woman.

Perrie suddenly felt the earth-shattering urge to just scream at Jade for her hurtful doings to her own wife. Yell at her for cheating on her. Yell at her for her infidelity towards Perrie.

But, she couldn't. Because she still loves her no matter how much the brunette had hurt her.

"Hey. I miss you too." She said, her voice soft like a bird's coo, but little did Jade knew that the tribulation is swallowing the blonde's broken soul.

"Don't worry, Love. I'm coming home in about thirty minutes or so." Jade said through the other line, her joyful voice somehow made Perrie smile.

"I love you." Perrie spoke, swiping the tear that had unknowingly fallen from her eye.

It was a moment before she heard her wife say, "You have no idea how much I love you, Perrie."

Now this, this had officially broken Perrie down. Hearing those words ripped every piece of her flesh, organs, though at the same time it made Perrie elated. Knowing that Jade would be coming home made Perrie excited to see her 'busy' wife, but simultaneously she felt nervous and apprehensive.

She didn't know what to do about this. She didn't know if she should forget about that night or if she should just give up.

She's really a mess.

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