Staring Contest

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It began with a staring contest.

Jade was sure of it.

Her attraction towards the blonde, her infatuation, her crush, they all derived from this contest that was supposed to be innocent and harmless. It all started when Perrie boasted about her 'trophy of the staring contest' that was fabricated and probably unimaginable, when Jade thought the blonde was too self-aggrandizing that she decided to bet with her on who'll win between the two of them.

One thing lead to another as both Geordies peered at each other and before Jade knows it, her eyes seemed to be holding their gazes.

For the first time in Jade's life had she seen such attractive and enticing, mesmerizing and oceanic blue eyes. It was as if her whole world has finally found its source of heaven with waters that could be more than sufficient for Jade's thirst for love and affection.

It felt like it was just yesterday when Jade just looked at the blonde in the most platonic way possible and now today the brunette is looking at her as if Perrie is the most ravishing and impeccable human being her eyes have ever rested upon. Every movement Perrie makes, every noise that the blonde emits, it will only deposit itself in the "Reasons Why I Love Perrie Edwards" bank. And boy did Jade's contumacious heart prosper from them. Every smallest detail that lay across Perrie's face will only prompt the brunette to fall even harder and amain.

And it was all beyond the brunette's volition.

Jade couldn't help but gawk at her best friend, who was apparently plastered whilst gyrating on the dance floor with a stranger whom Jade believes she did not even know the name of. They were both dancing as if it's the end of the world for the both of them. The jealousy was there, of course, when Jade just coveted a dance with the blonde, but the wantonness and lasciviousness of Perrie's dance moves never ceased to fuel Jade's animosity towards the stranger.

"Mind grabbing a bucket of water and pour it on yourself, Jade?" Jesy swooped in beside Jade as she laid her hand on the girl's tensed shoulder.

Jade raised an eyebrow. "For what?"

"Didn't you see yourself? You're basically a fire ball of jealousy," Jesy jested, taking a swig of her tequila and making a disgusted face afterwards making the other girl roll her eyes.

"I'm not jealous, okay," Jade defended almost forcefully.

Jesy smirked, "Sure."

"When are we going home anyway?" Jade asked, frustrated when her eyes accidentally caught Perrie unexpectedly being pulled to meet the man's lips, and another fire of jealousy has been ignited when Jade saw how in-the-moment her blonde best friend must be as she sees Perrie kissing back with the same force. It took all Jade's might to avert her stare and look back at her older best friend whose eyes seemed to manifest amusement. Jade rolled her eyes. "Don't, Jesy. I know what you're thinking."

"And what is that?" Jesy amusedly replied, her eyebrows bouncing in a mocking manner.

"I am not jealous."

A knowing smirk tugged at the corner of the older brunette's lips. "Well, that's just too bad now, is it?"

"Will you please just stop that!"

"Nope. At least not until you admit that you are, indeed, jealous," Jesy teased, poking Jade's nose in a sportive manner as if to emphasize her playful threat.

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