Not Even My Stupid, Slutty Ex

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     It was almost Christmas and Perrie and Jade can feel it through the shivering cold breeze of the air that touched their skin everytime they went out. The feeling that made everyone feel ecstatic and eager to open up Christmas gifts as well as giving their loved ones presents. Perrie and Jade would be having their first anniversary and Christmas as a couple and they couldn't quite believe it.

The snowflakes were sticking to the window when Perrie decided to cook bacon and eggs for her lovely girlfriend. She thought it would be very caring of her if she did so. And seeing that she had woken up first, it would be the perfect time to cook breakfast for the beautiful lady.

And so after she was done trying to make the best breakfast, she plopped down on the sofa and watched Netflix, deciding to wait patiently for Jade to wake up. And after an hour of watching romantic and comedy shows on the television, Perrie heard a lame "Pez?" on the other side and smiled widely when a gorgeous and sleepy Jade appeared, rubbing the sleep off her eyes to see Perrie clearly.

"Goodmorning, sweetie."

"Morning, love." Jade replied, flashing Perrie her gorgeous morning smile that the blonde admired. Jade's cute little nose automatically sniffed the great aroma of the bacon and eggs and Jade's smile widened. "I smell my favorite, aye."

Perrie smirked. "Wanna eat?"

"Of course. Let's go."

Perrie was getting uncomfortable, shifting from one place to another. But this wasn't because of the wooden stool that had always been making her uncomfortable. It was because Jade was dangerously silent for quite a few minutes now, and this had Perrie worried sick because she and Jade would never let silence accompany them. She was just sitting there, watching Jade chew her cooked meal and at the same time wondering what's running around Jade's mind.

And so Perrie decided to break the unbearable silence, but not before Jade abruptly spoke. "Megan called me yesterday..."

Perrie's face cringed at the mention of the name. And the fact that this Megan girl had the balls to just call her girlfriend like that just made her want to choke the soul out of her. "What?"

"Megan called me. She told me she wanted to talk about know, explain about the..." Jade tried to explain, though seeing the way Perrie's face cringe at the mention of her ex-girlfriend's name, well that was the most difficult thing she had to say.

"And what did you say?" Perrie grabbed the pitcher of water and poured herself a glass, not really sure what to do at the moment.

Jade thought about it, then spoke. "I agreed to meet with her."

Perrie choked on her drink, wiping the water that came out from her mouth and she looked at Jade. "You're going to meet with her? What? Why?"

"Perrie, you and I both know that I needed this. I needed to know the truth. I needed closure from her. Please, Pez, I can't just go on and accept the fact that she cheated on me without her giving me any explanation of why."

Perrie furrowed her eyebrows, not liking where this is going.

When Perrie met Jade at her favourite little coffee shop down the street, Jade was a mess. She was heartbroken because of Megan. During that time, Perrie didn't know what to do because she never had the experience of being cheated on. And so the only thing she could offer is to be there for the tanned beauty. Taking care of Jade when she goes home drunk, taking care of her when she goes back to the state of depression. And Perrie would always stay over at Jade's place because Jade didn't wanna sleep alone or she would go insane, which made Perrie infuriated.

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