5 Reasons Why We're Toxic For Each Other

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1. You can't seem to understand that you can't have things your way.

"You're coming with me."

"For fuck's sake, Jade -"

"And I'm not asking you to this time."

I blew out a frustrated breath and groaned afterwards. You're starting to become really stubborn. And at first, I find it endearing. Because nobody can change your mind and I love it because you're so adamant about what you want. But it was times like this I wished that you'd just ... lose.

"My best friend needs me."

"Your girlfriend needs you more."

I gritted my teeth in annoyance. "She. Needs. Me."

My stern voice didn't deter you as you say back, "I. Need. You. More. I'm getting promoted - the one thing I've been working hard on for months - and you wanna hang out with her?"

"Ted cheated on her!"

"Everybody goes through heartbreak, Pez!" you say with so much force, and I'm trying my best not to walk out on you.

No matter how angry I get with you, I can never abandon you.

I love you that much.

I frustratingly rubbed my face with the palm of my hands, as if this would justify how much this situation is wearing me out. I'm really exhausted, Jade. This is too much. You're too much.

"She needs me, Jade. Please. Can't you understand that? I mean, she's been with me when Zayn and I broke up -"

"Stop bringing Zayn up!" You blew up all of a sudden.

Then you left me in the cold room alone. Without any good bye. Without a kiss. Without a sign that you'll come back soon.

I forgot for a while that you hate rehashing the past, especially when it comes to my ex. You get jealous easily - to the point that just at the mention of the name of my past lover, you'd suddenly become all upset all because of the simple reason that I suddenly remembered him.

I guess I desperately needed you to understand where I'm coming from just for you to look at this at a different perspective. But if I were to be completely honest, I kinda hated you for a moment that I figured bringing Zayn up would rile you up.

Is this what a relatonship is like? Loving and hating each other simultaneously?


2. You're too manipulative. And I guess I'm a sucker for manipulative.

"Seriously, Jade?"

"You know that I can never turn her down lest I get fucking fired!" You tried to reason out, or at least that's what my hard-headed mind tells me to think.

Perhaps you were telling the truth. But I don't want to believe you.

I shake my head. "Exactly what is your relationship with her?"

You sighed out heavily - a habit I have come to pick up on when you become irritated. "She's my boss, Perrie. She's - do I have to introduce her to you so you can finally believe me?"

"Forget it." I stormed off towards the kitchen, intending to swallow down my emotions with a bottle of wine.

I was on my third glass when I hear you walk in. You're wearing that expression - that expression. And I have never felt so indignant. Because you can bring me to my fucking knees.

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