I Could Have A Happily Ever After

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     I could feel my eyes bulging out when I saw her standing right there with her hand on the other girl's cheeks as she kisses her. I could feel my heart dropping down to the floor as the worst feeling anyone could ever have starts to overwhelm my whole being. I could feel it swallowing everything in me.

     I took a step back, then another step, then another step until someone bumped into me, causing the both of us to lose our balance.

     I spun around only to be met by a death glare that the man I bumped into has been giving me and I gulped loudly and looked at him with my eyes bulging out. "Shit! I am so sorry. I didn't see you and—"


     Fuck. I averted my gaze from the man I bumped into to the woman I thought I could trust completely.

     As I peered through Kendall's brown eyes, I could feel the air leaving my lungs and it's suffocating me. I couldn't breathe. It's like when I looked into Kendall's eyes, the air has been swiped away as if it's something that could easily be taken away.

     "Kenny, who's this?"

     I was engrossed with the fact that Kendall cheated on me that I didn't even notice the woman she was cheating on me with. My eyes darted towards the woman beside Kendall, glaring at her.

     "I'm Perrie." I took a brief glance at Kendall then glared at the woman again, my serious expression manifesting nothing but coldness. "Kendall's new ex-girlfriend." 

     I stared at the both of them as I try to keep all my emotions in place. I couldn't forgive myself if I break down in front of the both of them. But the minute I felt Kendall's hand reaching out for mine, I completely lost my mind.

     "Perrie, please listen to me..."

     Rage boiled inside me as I forcefully pulled my hand away from Kendall's grasp. My patience was already running out and my temper was flaring. I couldn't think about anything else except of the fact that my trust has been annihilated violently.

     "Fuck you, Kendall." I growled through gritted teeth as I swung my hand towards her cheek, hearing nothing but a sound as similar as the sound of a thunder roaring from the outside.

     "Fuck you. After everything I've done for you, this is how you repay me!? How dare you!? I trusted you, Kendall! You said that you wouldn't do this again and I believed you! I had faith in you! I stood by you all this time and I even defended you in front of my own family who did nothing but criticize your whole being!" I shouted, loud enough for everyone in the club to hear and know how much of an asshole Kendall has become towards me.

     And in that moment, I don't even give a crap if I humiliated her in public.

     Kendall stared at me utterly horrified as she slowly lifted her hand to feel her cheek that is now red from the hard slap I gave to her. I stared right back at her, ignoring the gasps and murmurs that came out from the people surrounding us. But I knew the longer I stay, the sooner my emotions will get the better of me. So I took a step back away from Kendall, not breaking eye contact. I shook my head and chuckled humorlessly.

"We're done, Kendall." I say, flipping my hair as I whirl on my heel and marched away from the scandal.

~•~•~4 weeks later~•~•~

     It has been 4 excruciating weeks since the night I saw my ex-lover shoving her tongue down that slutty woman's throat. Since then, I was never in the mood to get out of my room and explore the beautiful nature. And those weeks basically consists of me locked inside my house like a prisoner.

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