What Girlfriends Are For

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A/N: Sorry if the story is too short :/// But I still hope you find this one interesting though :))) I promise that next oneshot long as usual :)))) byeeee


     Perrie was totally not in the mood today. Especially when her boss scolded her this morning, sermonizing her about how "being sluggish and tardy isn't suitable for a lawyer."

      Perrie heaved a frustrated sigh and ran a hand through her blonde waves as she rests them on her shoulder. Her head is probably going to blow up if someone tries to irritate her.

      Perrie wasn't technically late. She literally arrived in the building five minutes before her expected time arrival. But unfortunately, her boss seems to incredibly dislike that kind of habit and decides to just yell at the blonde for some reason. Sometimes, Perrie would think that the boss disliked her instead of her "intolerable" behavior.

Perrie tramped down the familiar street towards her apartment, her heels clacking on the rocky road, and echoing under the night sky. The moon was being sheltered by the fluffy dark clouds above her and all she could depend on was the streetlights with lights that could only illuminate a small portion of the area.

As Perrie went inside her room in her apartment, she immediately removed her beanie and sweater, placing them on the armchair nearby. Perrie glanced at the wallclock in the living room and sighed.

Jade would be here in twenty minutes...I hope, Perrie thought.

Perrie was feeling a little icky for some reason. Maybe it's because of the unfortunate events that happened to her this morning, particularly the scolding scene. She was already on the verge of crying, actually. The tears that seemed to be unknowingly building up in her eyes are threatening to fall down but she blinked hard, trying so hard to push it back in.

     Her thoughts ran away once she heard the lovely childish voice that belonged to her lovely girlfriend.

     Jade stepped inside the spacious living room, removing her hoodie along with her cap and placed them on the rack before she spins around to meet the adoring gaze of the blonde who seemed to be stuck in a trance when she sees her girlfriend for two consecutive years, gawking.

     "You seem surprised to see me, love." Jade says, walking towards Perrie. She placed her arms around the blonde's frame to engulf Perrie with a tight yet comfortable embrace.

     "What took you so long?" Perrie asks, burying her face on the crook of Jade's neck. "I missed you."

     "I missed you, too, love. Sorry if I took so long... I just so happened to find a little coffee shop down the high street." Jade pulled back from the hug and brought out a large paper cup with a logo of Starbucks Coffee pasted on it. "I brought you a frap... I hope you don't mind. I figured you'll need this one considering your job requires your full concentration."

     "Every job requires full concentration, Jade. Even yours."

     "And that's why I bought one for myself as well." Jade says, bringing out another large paper cup with the same logo printed on it and flashed Perrie a grin as wide as the horizon. "Now we can both work together."

     Perrie is not sure if it's the way her girlfriend smiled or how caring her girlfriend is that made her want to squeeze the soul out of the brunette—in a good way, of course. She never knew that Jade could be this caring and seeing how genuine the brunette actually was, Perrie made a mental note to not let this woman go.

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