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Still holding hands, Joseph looked at me and whispered "I'm tired." I looked at the driver and it was Marcello. Before I knew it Joseph had already opened the door and sat inside. So since he's already in it might as well sit inside. I sat in the chair behind the front passenger seat. And in a few minutes we were there.

"Bye and thanks." Were the last words before we left the car. The car didn't go and it was too late my mother opened the door and grabbed my ear "JENNYLYN MARICEL BEATRICE DE LA CRUZ! WHAY ARE YOU HOME LATE AND WHO DROPPED YOU OFF?!?" She looked at the car and it went.

Great. I knew this would happen. #Tigermum #Protectivemum #AsianParents #InTrouble.

I explained the whole situation and she let me off although she told me to study since the test was tomorrow. Fair enough. 10:30pm I think I should sleep. As soon as I got in bed I fell asleep.

⌛︎⌚︎ The next day. ⌚︎⌛︎

Exam day.

My brother and I left early and halfway on the path a car popped up.

"Wanna ride?" It was Marcello and his younger brothers, Amando and Luciano.
Joseph went in the back as for I, I had to go at the front. I was the one who dropped off the boys to school then Marcello and I went to school. I walked faster to make it look like I didn't go to school with him. I opened my locker and another note came out.

'Why did you laugh? Did you think I was joking?
I wasn't. I really like you. It has been a few years now--"

I stopped reading. "A few years." This guy hasn't got the confidence to confess and I'm sure this should be a rumor by now aren't people like, snitches or tattle tails - if that word is still used. Anyways I left the note in my locker and before I left I saw that Marcello's locker was a few lockers down. As soon as he opened it, notes came out. I let out a small laugh before leaving to the library. Ha. That's a lot to clean up.

The bell rang and I made it on time for my first lesson. History. I like history but we never learn anything about Asia. It's getting annoying. But as soon as I went in, there was a new seating plan. I was seated at the row second from the back. Although I really wanted to move to the back. And then Marcello came in. He had to sit right behind me.


So I did what I normally do in class then the teacher told us to do a stupid task. Talk to our partner about what we think about Jack the ripper. I raised my hand and the teacher called out "Mr Marcello. What seems to be the problem?" I turned 'round.

"I don't have a partner sir." Oh no.

"Sit with Miss Jennylyn." I knew it.

"Okay sir." Oh my oxygen. Oh my goddamn oxygen.

The chair next to me moved. Whilst the class was silent for a moment before sir said "Talk about Jack the ripper class" then he asked me "Wanna play a game?"

Confused I said "what game?"

"I call it honesty. So we take turns and ask questions and the other has to answer honestly." Oh no.

"I'm down for it. So who starts?" I asked.

"Me. Do you have a boyfriend?" He suddenly asked.

"No and how'd you get those bruises?" I asked curiously.

"I was in a fight. Now why don't you have a boyfriend. You seem okay." I blushed like a strawberry.

"My parents. They told me to focus on school." I said whilst my face cooled down.

"Typical asian."


"Time is up now Miss Jennylyn tell me, what did you tell your partner?"

I looked at Marcello. He whispered in my ear "You're dead. We didn't talk about him."

I smiled at him then replied "The Jack the Ripper murders occurred in the East End of London in 1888 and, although the Whitechapel Murderer was only a threat to a very small section of the community in a relatively small part of London, the murders had a huge impact on society as a whole."

"Very good Miss Jennylyn. Now Mr Jonathan speak."

He looked at me in confusion. I whispered in his ear "I studied this already in my spare time."
He let out a small quiet laugh that only I heard, and said "Typical asian kid."

The bell rang for the end of the day and I was late for my volleyball practise, and yes I also do volleyball, my mum told me to do it. I practised so hard becuase this was the sport that my mum loved to brag about, you know when we go to parties and they gossip and stuff.

Before I knew it I practised for a whole 3hours non stop with no water. That wasn't good. I felt my eyes starting to close, I can't the water was so close I could almost touch it.

It was too late. Darkness.

⌛︎⌚︎ Time went by. ⌚︎⌛︎

I opened my eyes. All I saw was white.
Stupidly I said "Am I dead?" Some person stupidly replied "No. Fortunately not." I looked at the person. It was an asian guy. He was very attractive in my eyes.

"Do I know you?" I said.

"Umm, you might not but I know you." He said.

"Have I seen you before?"

"Well we go to the same school and the very first time I met you was at party."


"Yeah. I'm Angelo Jhonel Francisco Louis."

"Hello, I'm Jennylyn Maricel Beatrice De La Cruz."

We were interupted by a female voice. A familiar female voice.
"LYN LYN. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!?!?" She exclaimed. It was my best friend Nicola.

"Nic." I said before I closed my eyes.

The second I opened my eyes I was in my bed. "Mam?"
"JENNYLYN MARICEL BEATRICE DE LA CRUZ ARE YOU OKAY?!?" She screamed at me whilst a tear went down her face.

"Yes mam, how did I get here?" I quietly asked her.

"Oh this wonderful boy dropped you off." She said with a smile on her face.

"Ahh okay." It could be Angelo. Ha. Can't wait to see him. I feel my face heating up.

"Jen. Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" She said frantically holding and touching my face.

"No it's nothing." I think I like him.


Ha. I hope this chapter was better or at least it seems improved. Don't be a silent reader! As many other authors say on wattpad.

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