Jason: Chapter 1

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Jason had just seen Nico shadow travel with Reyna and Coach Hedge to Camp Half-blood along with the athena parthenos. The statue was supposedly going to finally make peace between the Romans and Greeks.

Piper and Jason were on the ship deck. The stars were starting to come out. Piper pulled Jason in for a kiss. His head spun, he kissed her back.

"Stop smooching and get your butts in here!" Leo yelled from inside, "we're having some difficulties!" Jason pulled away from Piper and rolled his eyes, she giggled nervously. It was so tense between them. Piper never seemed to be herself anymore, and in the night Jason would hear her screaming in pain. Annabeth said it was probably the usual demigod nightmares, but Jason wasn't so sure.

Piper stared at him with her kaleidoscope eyes then turned around and walked to Leo, who was running around flipping switches.

Suddenly the ship jerked to the right and Jason fell off, in midair he caught himself. He heard Hazel screaming, he caught her and floated them both back up to the Argo II.

"Sorry about that guys." Leo said still flipping switches.

"Repair boy," Piper said through gritted teeth "I swear someday I am going to get revenge for every stupid mistake you have made, that has put my life in danger."

"That would take at least a year," Annabeth commented. Percy and Frank started laughing.

"Yeah, yeah," Leo grumbled, finally not flipping switches. "Piper I need coffee if you don't mind."

"Actually I do-"

"Great." Leo said "I like mine with two marshmallows." Piper said some unflattering things about Leo under her breath, then stalked into the kitchen.

Annabeth grabbed Percy and dragged him onto the deck. They stared at the stars.

Jason walked into his room and flopped on his bed. He didn't feel tired but he instantly fell asleep.

He dreamed that Piper was lying on the cold hard ground, right outside a building. Her lips were blue and she had an arrow sticking out of her thigh. Thalia was fighting with a giant, who was attempting to get to Percy who was battling dozens of hellhounds. Leo was frozen, Annabeth was bleeding everywhere, Frank was battling a cyclops and losing. Hazel was crying over the body of Nico. And Gaea was sitting in a throne made of earth and watching the fight like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Then a hellhound pounced on Piper, who managed a weak scream as the hellhound prepared to kill her.

Jason instantly sat up in his bed, trembling all over. Yes! Gaea laughed in his mind. Fear me child, I am your worst nightmare!

"Go away Gaea." He growled. I see someone wants to be stubborn. Let's see how stubborn you are when your friends are in danger! She laughed then shut up.

Jason jumped out of bed and rushed into his clothes. He darted to the kitchen where he found Leo making breakfast,

"Oh good, you're alive." Jason said panting.

"I'm not." Leo said in a mysterious whisper "Gaea got me and now I'm a ghost." He held his arms in front of himself like he was imitating a mummy, and started slowly walking creepily towards Jason.

"Cut it out." Jason said pushing Leo away. "Where are the others?"

"Still asleep." Leo replied stirring eggs around in a bowl "why?"

"Nightmare." Jason muttered.

"Dude, we're all getting those, deal with it." Leo said grinning as he dumped the egg shells in Percy's jacket pocket.

"He is going to kill you." Jason noted staring at Percy's jacket.

"Whatever." Leo said flipping the pancakes.

A little while later Piper came in, Jason embraced and kissed her.

After a few seconds she spoke "nightmare?"

"Yep." Jason said staring into her color changing eyes.

"Me too." She said staring right back into his eyes.

Annabeth walked in and grabbed an apple. She started to walk out the door when Leo suddenly said "is that all you're eating? After all my hard work?" He gestured to the eggs and pancakes with a spatula.

"I'm not hungry." She said with a yawn.

"Geez, where were you last night?" Leo asked her.

She glared at him "saying hello to the stars for Bob the Titan with Percy."

Leo burst out in laughter "Bob the Titan?" Annabeth rolled her eyes and walked out of the room.

Hazel walked in "hi Piper." She muttered then yawned.

"Seriously, what was everyone doing last night?" Leo asked.

"Dwelling on the fact I might die soon." Hazel said calmly as she grabbed a pancake from Leo, she walked out of the kitchen. Leo stared at the door blankly for a second then went back to making French toast.

"So we're heading towards Athens?" Jason asked.


Jason went into the mess hall, Piper followed close behind him. Frank was sitting down at the table talking to Hazel who was playing with silverware. Annabeth and Percy were on the other side of the table sharing an apple.

"Hey guys." Jason said.

"Hi Jason." Percy replied, not looking away from Annabeth. Percy and Annabeth barely ate anything and seemed so distant from others since they got out of Tartarus.

"I'm going to go train." Jason said as he walked off towards the battle arena. No one even looked at him.

He flipped his coin and it transformed into his gladius. He started stabbing practice dummies until he got bored.

Jason walked onto the catwalk and jumped, doing a flip in midair and landing perfectly. He did it again, and again, and again...

In the middle of his last jump an image of a girl flashed into his mind. Good luck surviving your fall, she said. Suddenly his legs turned into jelly and he face planted into the hard floor. He felt blood streaming out of his face, he laid there limp. Not being able to make a sound.

He woke up in the sickbay. There was a cast unprofessionally wrapped around his head. Blood was still coming out, but it was more like dripping. Frank was sitting next to him, his face was pale. Frank smiled when he saw Jason awake, but he still looked nervous.

"What's wrong?" Jason managed to say.

"Piper." Frank said, "she's blaming herself you got hurt, she's been crying for the last two days."

Jason instantly sat upright, "two days?" He squeaked.

"Yeah." Frank said, "we're halfway to Athens."

Jason was mentally yelling at himself for being out for so long, when he heard Piper scream at the top of her lungs.

Sorry if I don't update for a while. And I'm sorry if this story is all crap (I think it is). We all have our own opinions. By the way, I'm just some crazy fan girl and I do not own any of these characters (yet) Rick does.
Love you! (Please vote and comment no matter how crappy this story is)

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