Leo: Chapter 8

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Leo watched as Annabeth doubled over, disconnecting the Iris Message.

"Annabeth!" Percy yelled reaching towards her.

"Pain... Stomach... Percy help me..." Annabeth moaned.

Percy picked up Annabeth and started walking towards the sickbay.

"I'd better go with them." Frank said.

He followed Percy and Annabeth into the sickbay.

"So," Leo said but Jason, Piper and Shaley were gone.

"Wow. Thanks guys, I feel so loved." He muttered.

Leo set to work on the Argo II. He was making some special 'changes'. Once or twice heat would blast Leo in the face but he didn't mind, being a fire-user and all.

Leo slowly drifted off to sleep.

Leo saw a girl a bit younger than him sitting on a rock.

She looked up, "what are you doing here?"

"I dunno," Leo said, "I think I'm dreaming."

"You are." She said, she held out her hand. "Bianca."

"I'm Leo." Leo said. "I think I've heard your name somewhere before."

"Do you know Nico?" She asked.


"He's my brother."

"Oh! Now I remember you!" Leo exclaimed.

"So, how's Nico doing?" She asked.

"Well, he's creepy." Leo admitted. "He always lurks in the shadows and is always talking go the dead. And he gives off a bad vibe."

"So did I." Bianca sighed. "So how are the hunters?"

"I haven't seen them in a while but I'm sure they're fine."

"Who's the lieutenant?" She asked.


"Thalia's a huntress?"

"Yep." Leo said. Suddenly he thought of something. "Weren't you reborn?"

"Dreams work in strange ways." She said. "Yes I am another person, but right now you are visiting me in my dreams so I look like what you imagine me as."

"Cool!" Leo said, he held out his hand like he was trying to make Bianca disappear. "Penguin!" He opened his eyes but to his disappointment it didn't work.

"It's not that simple." Bianca said. She looked like she was resisting the urge to roll her eyes. Suddenly Bianca's form flickered. "I must go!" Bianca said. And with that she was gone.

"Leo! Leo, wake up!" He heard a voice yell.

"Ten more minutes." Leo mumbled.

"Leo the ship is out of control!" That woke Leo up.

Leo jumped up. He ran past Jason to the controls. He started pushing buttons and pulling levers. The ship slowed down.

"Thank the gods," a voice said from behind him. Leo turned around, it was Hazel. She looked better from when she was attacked in her dreams but she was really green.

"Hazel nearly barfed." Frank said.

"Did not!"

Frank grinned.

Hazel gently punched him but he didn't seem to notice because he had changed from 'little Frank' to 'huge Frank'.

Leo wondered if he and Calypso would ever have playful fights like that. If they would ever see each other again... Leo shook his head. They would see each other again. He swore on the river Styx. He had to get her off that island.

"Um, earth to Leo?" Jason said.


"We were wondering how long it will take to get to Athens."

"Eight days." Leo answered.

"Is that including the monster attacks and the daily shopping trips?"


"Good. That's enough time to save the world." Jason said.

"Technically we shouldn't save the world because, like Piper said, 'world' could mean earth and earth is Gaea." Leo pointed out.

"You know what I mean." Jason said.

"Do I really?"




"Are you sure?"

Jason took his coin out of his pocket.

"Yep," Leo gulped, "you're sure."

Jason smiled.

Hazel and Frank turned on the TV.

There are still earthquakes which are making buildings topple down. Dozens were killed. A reporter was saying. Back to you Jim.

Children at the orphanage were kidnapped last night. Ten kids were stolen. We asked the manager what these kids have in common and why might someone want them. The only thing they have in common is their ADHD and dyslexia. Jim said.

Hazel turned off the TV.

"Great. Now Gaea's recruiting demigods." She muttered.

Leo knew she was right, "who wants tacos?"

"I'd rather have cereal." Frank said.

"Tacos it is!" Leo said happily.

Jason rolled his eyes, "make sure Piper's-"

"I know, I know. Doesn't have meat. Blah-de-blah-de-blah." Leo said walking into the kitchen.

Leo handed out the tacos to Piper, Jason, Hazel and Frank. They were sitting in the mess hall.

"These are delicious Leo." Piper said.

"Of course they are," Leo said. "I made them."

Piper punched him playfully and Hazel smiled.

"Where are the others?" Frank asked.

"I'll go find them." Jason said standing up. He walked away.

There was an awkward silence between Hazel, Frank, Piper and Leo.

"So," Piper said, Leo knew she was trying to lift everyone's spirits, "what should we do?"

"We could play charades." Hazel suggested.

Leo jumped up, "I'm Frank and I'm, like, so awesome!"

"I'm Leo and I'm so cool!" Frank said standing up.

Piper laughed, "you're supposed to be silent!"

Soon Frank and Leo were jumping around mocking each other silently.

Hazel was on the ground laughing and Piper was trying to suppress a smile.

Leo and Frank went on like that for a few more minutes until Jason ran into the mess hall.

"What's wrong?" Piper asked. Her smile instantly fading.

"Annabeth, Percy and Shaley." Jason said. "They're gone!"


I had another writer's block. But I did put cliffhanger at the end (he he he).

Luv ya!

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