Hazel: Chapter 14

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Leo put the scroll in his pocket, muttered "nothing", and walked down the tunnel on the right.

Shaley looked amused.

"What's on the scroll?" Hazel asked.

Jason and Hazel looked at Shaley for an answer.

Shaley hesitated, "later."

"But-" Hazel started.

"We're losing him," Shaley said running to catch up to Leo.

Hazel looked at Jason, he looked as confused as Hazel felt.

Leo led Hazel, Jason, and Shaley followed Leo until he stopped.

"They're either in that one," he said pointing to a cave on the left, "or that one," he said pointing to the one on the right.

"We should go in the one on the right," Jason said. "the one on the left has a light coming from it. They're trying to trick us."

"Gaea's not stupid," Shaley said, "she knows we're smart and will probably choose the one on the right if she lit up the one on the left. She probably is trying to trick us into going into the one on the right."

Jason gaped at her.

"Come on," Shaley said walking into the cave on the left.

Jason followed sulking.

"Jason!" Hazel heard Piper yell. She looked up and saw Piper and Annabeth dangling from the ceiling of the cave.

"Piper!" Jason yelled, he flew up to her and cut the rope holding her and Annabeth.

"Ow!" Annabeth said when she landed on the ground, but Jason wasn't paying attention. He and Piper were kissing.

Hazel's heart ached. Gods knew where Frank was. He wasn't dead. She knew that for sure.

"Where's Percy?" Annabeth asked looking around, "you haven't found him yet? Oh no, no, no, no!"

"We'll find him," Shaley reassured her. Annabeth nodded, not speaking.

Hazel knew Shaley's personality had changed during the time they had spent together.

"Five days until Gaea rises." Piper said unexpectedly.

Sadly Hazel knew she was right. Every night Hazel asked herself, what's the point? We're going to die anyway.

But everyone was counting on the seven of them. Seven teenagers. Teenagers. Hazel breathed and said, "let's go, we have to find Percy and Frank."

Jason nodded "we're wasting time. Every second counts."

They left the caves in silence.

Of course they forgot something. No one was guarding Piper and Annabeth. The Cyclops had taken Shaley.

"What are we going to do?" Piper fretted.

"We should find Percy," Jason said, "Shaley would kill us if we rescued her. It would make her feel weak."

"She'll be fine," Annabeth agreed.

They kept on walking in no particular direction.

Leo and Hazel fell behind the others.

"What's on the scroll?" Hazel asked.

"Nothing," Leo muttered.

"There was something," Hazel said, it wasn't like her to pester people but she felt like this was something important.


"Leo Valdez!" Hazel said frustrated.

"Hazel!" He said, urgency in his voice, "they're gone!"

"What?" Hazel asked looking up. He was right. Annabeth, Jason, and Piper were nowhere to be seen. "Where could they be?"

"Right where we want them to be." A voice said.

Hazel turned around and saw a huge figure, who had a purple shirt.

"Frank!" She said running towards him.

"Hazel." He said coldly.

Hazel stopped running towards him.

"Frank, what's wrong, man?" Leo asked.

"You guys are preventing my mistress from rising." Frank growled.

Hazel took a step back, "what?"

"You're working for Gaea!" Leo exclaimed.

"Of course I am," Frank said, "she will rule."

"But you're part of the seven!" Hazel said.

"Am I?" He said, "What about Shaley? Gaea has showed me what I am to the gods, to you."

"Please, Frank, Dirt Face is tricking you." Leo said, which Hazel thought wasn't a good choice of words.

"Shouldn't you be worrying about other things?" Frank asked, "me and Gaea are going to destroy Ogygia with Calypso on it."

Leo froze, "don't you dare!" He hissed.

Hazel had never seen Leo so angry other than the time her fired on Rome.

In one swift movement Frank snatched the scroll out of Leo's pocket. "What is this?" He sneered, "a way to get back to Ogygia?"

"Give it back!" Leo yelled.

Hazel grabbed the scroll out of Frank's hand, "stop being a jerk!" She yelled.

"When you're dead you'll realize this is the better choice." Frank said walking away.

Once he was out of sight Hazel fell on the concrete ground, crying.


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