Curly haired angel

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. Today is the day I will be going to my first ever dance camp.You could say I'm a professional but I'm not that good.I hop in the shower and air dry my long blonde hair.

I grab my pearl earrings and my favorite bracelet.

"Hurry up or you'll be late Erica",my mom shouts.I grab my T-shirt and some jeans and put then on.I put on some light makeup and put my hair up in my famous messy bun.I grab some toast and walk out the door,"Should have dressed a little nicer."my mom says rudely.I never cared that much about dressing nice but my mom did.

She that proper kinda lady.Im just me.

He ride is short and I end up staring out he window.Im excited.I have always dreamed if being a professional dancer.

I'd want to be in the Olympics,New York Academy,or some shit like that.

We pull into the drive way and I look out the lake.I stare at something out in the distance and it seem to be another cabin.Cool.

She drops me off at the front office and kisses me goodbye.I grab my suitcase and duffle bag and head off to a new camp for the entire summer!

"Who are you?"asks the supervisor."Erica Smith."I reply.The lady hands me my room keys.

I walk along the sidewalk and look for my cabin.I finally find it and I climb up the steps.It seems nice and cozy.

As I walk in I am stunned.Not by the room but the designs.It was amazing!"Hi I'm your roommate.My name is Sage,"some girl says quickly.I greet her and set up my part of the room.I look at Sage and admire get features.

Flawless skin and sea blue eyes.

I finish doing my part and walk away from my bed.

As I walk out the door of my cabin I see a stage and building across the lake.

"What's over there."I ask Sage."Thats were one direction practices.Its amazing!If your lucky sometimes the boys meet up with girls over here and well you'll find out."she smirks.

One Direction?I've sort of heard of them before.Not a fan though.

I walk back into the cabin and grab my

dancing suit and other things I might need for today's practice.

As I walk in the practice room I see many girls in suits practicing and warming up.I find a spot next to some tall girl and do what I've learned all these years.I did scorpions,stretched,and spun around into splits."Welcome everyone to Deana's Dance Academy.We have a surprise.Today one direction will be singing a song for all of us."she screamed.All the girls cheered and some ran around the room like nuts.As they walked on stage one of the five boys with curly hair stared straight at me.I blushed at him and he smiled back.Why was he so cute.He then winked at me and whispered something to me....... I think but I didn't understand him.

I waited till the song "Little Things" was over and walked outside the door.Tommorow I would have to start dancing and I was a little anxious.I feel a hand wrap around me and let out a yelp."Ohh my goshh!!You scared me!Wait your Harry Styles."I say quickly then turn away.Why did I just say that.Of course.Because I'm stupid.I've never really liked him.I don't know him though but all those magazines say he just moves from one girl to the next.Wait why is he still hear I breath."I saw you staring at me and me and my mates are having a party Friday and well erm your invited.You have to have a date and I'm single."he says in the cutest accent ever.His dimples caving in his face made me smile and I couldn't help but stare at his beautiful features."Thank you but ummm.....well I can come but I dont need a date.Especially not from you",I say rudley."Kk it starts at eight and I'm taking that as a yes."he smirks.Im going there Friday I say in my head.To meet Harry Styles.Nope.I take that though and put it in the back of my head.To have fun.To dance.


Hey guys hope you like my story and please vote & comment.Like it and add.This is my first story and sorry it's a little short.She gets to meet Harry.Wish it were me!!

Curly haired angelWhere stories live. Discover now