End of tour

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Harry pulls me into the back of the place and plants a tender kiss on my cheek.I giggles as he gives me a high five and jumps around like a two year old.

We sit in the room and talk about everything until I hear the door slide open.

I see a girl run in a give Harry a big hug.Kendall.

I make a sound and watch as Harry plays with her hair and acts all love crazed.

"Ummm yea Kendall this is......Erica my girlfriend.Erica this is.......is Kendall."he says slowly.

I glare at her and she continues to flirt with him.That little prick.

I walk up and practically shove her up against the door.

"That's the door.Bye now!"I tell her.

She walks out and glares at me.Her eyes practically burrowing into my soul.

Harry walks out and wraps his hand in-between mine."Sorry.Old habits."he stats and kiss me a peck on the cheek.

I see her watching my every move and try to enjoy the party.And tour.

2 weeks later

I watch Harry finish his solo on The Story of My Life and clap rapidly.Ae well as others.This tour has one by way to fast.Next up is the Olympic Games.

I perk up and realize I haven't practiced.I go through my mind and organize a plan.

Every week(after I get back)will be rehearsal.I need a song.Maybe a One Direction song to get the paps all happy.Maybe that will satisfy them.Hopefully.

I get to my seat and wait for the boys to come on stage.They come up from under the floor and begin with their opening song,Midnight Memories.I sing along and at parts I catch a glimpse of him watching me.I smirk at him and all the girls sitting beside me freak out.

I giggle and hear a muffled voice.

"Erica Smith.Harry's girlfriend.Oh my gosh!You're her.Can I get a picture?"some little girl about twelve says.

"Yep."I chirp and do the duck face.We giggle and she posts the picture on Facebook and Twitter.

She smiles at me and turns her attention back to the concert.

I watch Harrys pink lips move open and closed throughout his solo.He's such an angel.

Then I watch Niall,Louis,Zayn,and Liam.They do great throughout the concert and before I know it the concert is over.

I go backstage as we drive to the hotel.We pack our things and go to bed.

"You did great Harry."I tell him and he smiles happily.

"I love you do much."he says a looks away.

He flushes and I giggle at him.

Soon enough I'm asleep.

I walk to the ballroom and see Harry in a tuxedo and tie.He pulls me to the floor and we dance to the music.It's perfect.

I look down an see a strapless gown covering up my body.He kisses me slowly and turns his attention back to the tv up on the mantle.

"It seems as though this years Olympic Games are going to be terrible.Terrorists are trying to blow the whole stadium up so extra guards.Many contestants aren't going to compete because of the safety measures."she says into the tv.

Then I watch as the whole room explodes and fire goes out in all directions.The reporter screams and the tv screen turns blank.

I look around ad no one seems to notice.I look up on the staircase and see a man with a ball like figure in his hands.A bomb!He drops it.

Then I scream.

I panic and wake up to Harry cradling me in his arms.I am crying and it seemed so real.I let tears spill out and he comforts me.

I feel sweat o my forehead and Harry helps me into the bathroom.

He rubs he small in my back and tries to calm me down.

What if that happened?

I slowly crawl back into bed and try to fall asleep.I feel Harry crawl into bed and then I'm out.

I wake up to the sun shining in my face.

"Morning my sleepy baby."he says and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"We have a flight to catch."he chirps.

I get up and hop into the shower letting the rush of warm water run over me.It feels good.I get out and wrap a fuzzy towel around my figure and blow dry my hair.

I watch the little bit of water left fall of my wavy hair.Then I grab my straighter and layer it.

I swipe some lipstick across my plump lips and grab a red sequin shirt and some fades jeans.Then I grab my Keds and meet Harry at the door.

We pull our luggage out to the limo and hop in.I watch Brazil fly by and look at the trees everywhere.Birds are chirping and I can't help but roll my window down.

I get a text saying that the Olympic Games will begin in three weeks.

I catch a glimpse of the water surrounding the city and the sun shinning down everywhere.It beautiful.Wind

whips trough my hair and I smile at Harry as he takes my hand in his.

We walk to the airport an take seats on our private jet.

"Hey blonde."he tells Niall and Niall pretends to be mad but has this silly grin in his face that gives it away.

Zayn seems sad.I watch him from my seat.He has his head against the window watching the ground.Liam plays his phone and Louis reads a magazine.

I look at the cover of it and see Harry and I on the cover.

"Can I look at that."I ask Louis.

"Sure love."he says and hands me the magazine.

It's a picture of me dressed as a boy heading into Harry's hotel room.Then I read the cover.

"Has mister bad boy gotten worse."it reads and I giggle.The boys stare at me but I brush it off.

"Some say Styles has been sneaking new girls around with him.Is this true?What about Erica?For more information turn to page 54."it states and I give it back to Louis.


I don't read anymore.I had the.........the magazine back to Louis.

"So Harry.Seems like you've got some girls on your hand hmmm?"he says and I smirk.

His eyebrows cave in and he snatches the magazine from Louis.He reads it and laughs.So much for being sneaky.Ugh.

As we walk into my house I run around calling for my puppy but I don't see him anywhere.Owell.

I grab some pizza from the freezer and shove it in the oven.I get a call from my mom and ignore it.We never really had a relationship and I don't care.She's never home and nether is dad.I miss them and it hurts me.

"Move in with me?"Harry says and I look over to him.

He is blushing and I grab his big hands and wrap him in a hug."Yes."I say and he smiles warmly at me.


Hey guys I'm just gonna say it now.I will update again when I get 120 reads so yea.Tell your friends or someone.I will keep checking and all.Thank you guys.This story has gotten long.Yay.120!!!!

Yay Harry and Erica are moving in.Btw I might make another book so comment and tell me if I should.I need to know.It helps a lot.Ily.

Stay beautiful.

Remember 120!!!,

-Mary Rose❤❤

Curly haired angelWhere stories live. Discover now