Already in love??

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As he storms up to me I back away."I thought you were my star and not these guys."he remarks rudley."Huh...I don't like anyone here!Whats you problem?Besides do I know you?"I say."All these guys are staring at you.It makes my insides burn.Come and dance with me so I can tell you a little bit about my self."he smirky

I walk with him scared he will hurt me if I don't.He wraps his arms around me and its like his beauty drowns the music away for a while.As we dance I smell his cologne.He smells so good.

As we dance starts humming to the next song is a british accent and I can't help but giggle.He looks at me a smiles.Then he leans down to kiss me and out lips collide.His warm lip kiss me and then pull away.He smirks again."Stop smirking.You do it all the time.You know your supposed to tell me about yourself."I say.

"Okay....well I was born in London and moved here three years ago.I loved it here and me and my mates started a band.I liked gurls and hung out with them.You different though Erica.I do know your name and in not a stalker."he laughs.As I look away I see a bunch of girls run up to me and Harry.They all push me down and kick me hard and call me ugly names and I start to cry.

"He didn't love you.Your just his playtoy!"they scream.I start crying and stand up but they trip me.I start to bleed and they pull my hair.

Harry just stands there and watches me and I pull myself together and ru out the door.

I run to the camp and see my wounds.There are big gashes and bruises and my hair looks like I just woke up.I run to bed and cry myself to sleep.

As I wake up I hear pounding on the door but I ignore it.I ignore him.

"Erica!Please open the door.I promise I can explain it if you let me in."he says but I just can't do it.


I wake up and see that it's Saturday.My day off.I walk to the door to open it but it won't budge.I look out the peek hole and see Harrys hair shining in the sun.I pus and manage to move the door without him waking.Did he really spend all night here?I smile and walk away.

"Erica!Wait up."he calls out to me.I stop and wait for him to catch up.I glare at him.I am so foolish for thinking he even liked me.

As I face him he starts to talk."I'm so sorry.Those girls hitting you mean nothing to me.I thought they were hitting each other and then I saw you run outside and realized it was you."he says."I'm so sorry.Are you hurt?"I show him the cuts and bruises and he has trouble gulping.

"Why would you have saved me but no other girl?Just let them fight and get hurt."I reply harshly.I am confused.

"Because.....I would only care about you."he says proudly.I can't help but smirk and his lips touch mine.We stand there kissing and I can't help but think.

Harry Styles...the boy I've know for two days is in love with me.I say it again and smile as we kiss.

"Do you want to go swimming at the lake?"he days."I'll race you."I reply and run towards my house to beat this boy.The boy I am in love with.


Hey guys.Did you like it.Don't forget to comment and vote of what you think!Ily allll!It's longer than the first but I tried to fit it all in only a few pages.

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