A Chance To be With You: Zalfie Fanfic

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Chapter 1: A crush

Zoe's Pov:

It was a bright Summer day which i remembered i had to go to Louise's house to babysit Darcy so the 2 couple can go on a romantic holiday. I always thought they look like Romeo and Juliet well except for the dying part obviously.

I quickly had my breakfast with my favourite cereal Lucky Charms and dressed up with my baggy t-shirt, with some colourful printed leggings, with some cute flats and a bun which i usually wear on a daily bases.

After dressing up I quickly headed out and drove to my best friend's house. As came in I saw Matt standing next to a Pink and Black Luggage, then Louise came:

"Hey Zoe, Thanks alot for babysitting Darcy she is upstairs having a nap, and i wrote a list of what you need to feed her and you can help yourself for anything in the kitchen so we will be back in about 2 days, by the way Alfie is coming later so you have some company, ok bye love you loads!"

"Ok no problem, Love you loads have fun you two!" I said.

As they left i went upstairs to check on Darcy she was sleeping with her little teddy bear, she looked so cute when she was sleeping i kissed her cheek and went down to chill on the sofa editing the new video that i am posting for tomorrow.

Alfie's Pov:

I am so excited today beacause im going to meet Zoe, I've always had a crush on her but i know she wouldn't like me back, but il never give up and try my best to be a good friend yet im nervous to tell her that i like her, alot.

It was about 5 o'clock and i was on the way to my sister's house, i sent a message to Zoe saying:

To Zoe:

Im on the way

From Alfie

As I came on the doorstep of the house I made my hair a lilttle bit and I had a minty sweet to make my breath fresh. When she opened the door I saw her beautiful ombre hair tied in a neat bun with her big smile attached on her face, I gave her a smile and she said:

"Hey Alfie, Come in"





Hey Guys! So this my first chapter! Let me know if you like it and if I should continue! Thanks for reading! :D

- Simran

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