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 I'm finally introduced to the notorious Emma Clover and she leaves me completely tongue-tied?

I couldn't quite believe it that I finally got to meet her.

Abbey had been acting off when she had come into class that day and it was unlike her to be on the phone. She was talking to her sister by the sound of it, discussing some sort of party.

I wracked my brain for any information I had on Emma Clover and recalled she'd just hit a quarter of a million subscribers yesterday. I would make sense to celebrate that.

And when Abbey hung up, seemingly annoyed with her sister, she invited me along to the celebration, which would start with a dinner and then go onwards to clubbing. I was a bit concerned for my new friend, as I knew she dreaded clubbing but if she was willing to go out of her comfort zone for her sister, I wasn't going to argue.

I arrived at the restaurant by myself and went inside and asked for a big group of people under the name Clover. Abbey had offered to wait for me outside but she was always early to any kind of event and I had told her just to go inside when she arrived.

The waiter pointed off in a direction and I diligently walked that way.

I was in my high waisted dress pants paired a simple top and my hair in loose waves around my face. I never wore dresses to anything; too many times I had accidentally flashed my underwear due to my fondness of sitting cross-legged.

Basically, I simply just felt so much more comfortable in shorts and long pants rather than a skirt or a dress. But if you were to ask my parents I did so because of "the persona" I had convinced myself I had. Which translated to they thought that I dressed like "a boy" because I liked girls – both of which were unacceptable to them.

I had once tried to explain to them the difference between gender and sexuality but as usually, they weren't listening.

I saw her immediately... because I nearly walked into her.

Emma was coming out of the bathroom and I hadn't been paying attention and swayed right in front of her.

"I'm sorry," I said as I caught hold of her wobbling figure.

And then I became unable to utter a coherent sentence.

She was absolutely gorgeous in a dress that caught her curves all the right ways and the most beautiful blue eyes that seemed even more vibrant due to the pretty make-up around them. She flashed me a wide smile.

"Thank you for catching me," she said as she caught her footing in her stilettoes and let go of my arm.

Her videos did not do her justice. I had followed her channel ever since she launched it back in May 2014 and had admired the evolution in content and how she had grown more and more confident in her skills. She had grown from model trainee to a hardworking and successful YouTuber.

I had tried to tell myself not to get a crush on her. She was straight and thereby I was not someone she would ever be attracted to. I had also tried to stop fangirling so much because I knew after I befriended Abbey that maybe I'd meet her sister one day and I didn't want to weird her out.

Turns out, I didn't say anything stupid because it seemed I had lost my ability to talk whatsoever.

I shot her a shy smile when words for once failed me. What was wrong with me?

"Megan?" Abbey called out from the table a few places over and woke me from my trance.

"Wait, you're Megan?" Emma asked and her eyes lit up so much.

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