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Between the homophobic grandparents, disapproving parents and crazy aunts, remind me why I thought this was a good idea?

Warning: Judgemental parents based on sexuality/not being accepted by your family.

I couldn't not go to my uncle's funeral but I should have mentally prepared for my family.

"I could come with you," Emma offered when I told her.

I looked at her, as she if was completely ridiculous. I didn't want her to come for so many reasons, but I told her the most straightforward one.

"No. Emma SitC is tomorrow and you're an invited guest. I will literally beat you up if you don't go. I wasn't really that close with my uncle, so I'll be fine," I said sternly.

No, there was no chance of me getting overly emotional over that old racist man. Still, he was family and I needed to pay my respects no matter how much I had disliked him. My whole family seemed to be so stuck in different types of bigotry. I wasn't sure how I had turned out super accepting when I had grown up in midst of that kind of people. Maybe it was to counter balance those around me.

I was on the long train journey to Glasgow when Emma called me all excited that she had managed to get Abbey to come along with her. Abbey had been shut-in for weeks after Nate had stayed behind in LA, so it was definitely good for the both of them.

I didn't live too far away from the train station and walked the twenty minutes to my childhood home. I still had around half an hour before we had to be at the church.

While I walked, I could feel the nerves rise in my chest. I had only got the call yesterday and Dad had been very persistent that it was important for everyone to be here, even though I lived so far away.

I hadn't had my usual time to prepare for this. On the train journey, I had mostly buried myself in YouTube videos as I pretended I didn't know what was coming. Even at a funeral, I knew my family would be ruthless.

They'd want to hear all about living and studying in London... but they wanted the version that agreed with them. They didn't want the truth.

They wanted to hear that I was a diligent student and going to cosy cafés with friends and dating a nice boy.

They didn't want to hear about the partying, staying up nights while working on edits for Tumblr or dating a girl, no matter how wonderful she was.

I came to a halt at my old worn front door and knocked. I could already hear all the voices buzzing behind the door.

I was an only child but I had several aunts and uncles, a heap of cousins and two sets of grandparents, who always seemed to be over. I had never missed having a sibling before, as I guess I assumed they would be just as off and close-minded as the rest of my family. After having gotten to know Abbey and Emma, I wanted a sister. I had wanted someone to be my confidant and best friend – I could use someone to stand with me against the rest of the family.

"Megan!" one of my younger cousins opened the door with a big smile.

"Hi," I said and bend down to embrace her.

She was so young and innocent. How long would it be before the rest of this lot would corrupt her? Moving away from Scotland had been terrifying but it had been the best decision I had ever made.

The whole house was full of people and I plastered on the smile I usually hid behind. I liked people and I liked to talk to everyone, but my family had always been a sore spot. When I was younger and had spoken up, I would be scolded and told off for my "wrong" opinion, so naturally I had withdrawn from family discussions.

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