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Would my old self from four years prior have jumped of joy or been a nervous wreck if she knew she was about to walk up to SillyNate and ask him to work together?

Abbey could be sure all she wanted. I knew she had complete faith in the fact that this odd mash-up could work. I didn't doubt that she knew Nate very well, anyone who spent about five minutes with those could see that, but I wasn't sure if Nate would be so keen on working with me.

He'd accepted me at first when I was a new friend of Abbey's. Him and Emma had practically sung my praises before they met me because they were just so happy that Abbey was making new friends for once. I did take some of the credit for that, pulling her out of her shell and not allowing her to get rid of me. I'd clung on until I knew she wanted to be my friend and that was probably very odd but it had worked out for us. I now considered her my best friend, a platonic soul mate despite our differences.

I'd always worried I'd only have casual friends in my life and never allow myself to be completely open with someone like I was now with both Clover sisters, but in different ways. Tumblr had helped a lot and slowly built my confidence in real life too. I had friends all over the world thanks to that glitchy arse site.

I'd like to think that Nate and I were friends now, after having known each other over a year. But it was odd because we were actually very similar in our approaches to friendship, which might be why we fitted so well with Abbs. Perhaps she attracted a certain type of people.

We were both overly friendly and jumped at the chance to meet new people. I didn't know about Nate in details but I suspected he also had trouble keeping in contact with all of his friends. When you have so many, it's a bit difficult to stay updated with everyone. We liked the kind of friends and friendships that didn't need to be constantly touched up.

*Do you want to come by later today? I'll probably be out but Nate's in his home office for the rest of the day. Go chat to him about the podcast idea. I know he'll love it. I haven't said anything but I will soon if you don't get a move on. Oh and give Patch a kiss from me?*

I looked down at the text from Abbey. It was unusual that she was the one out of their flat but Emma did mention that she had to go for a lunch with a relative in London and Abbey was likely going along to that too. The mention of Patch was actually what convinced me. They had not had him for more than a week or so and I'd only seen him once so far.

He was an utterly adorable dog and already seemed so connected to Abbey. It didn't surprise me that animals gravitated towards that girl. Sometimes, I was convinced she was secretly a Disney princess.

When I got to their flat, I breathe a sigh of relief to find it void of viewers waiting outside. The problem had died down slightly, thankfully, with the removal of the buzzer. I punched in the code I had been given and climbed up the stairs.

When I knocked on their dog, I could hear shuffling behind the door but Patch didn't bark.

Nate pulled back the door, only wearing a shirt and pants, and Patch rushed forward to greet me. Nate looked utterly laid back and cosy and didn't even attempt to cover himself up. I didn't mind. In my mind, underwear was the same thing as swim wear and no one seemed to shout about how that was exposing yourself. Nate was very relaxed and chilled in his daily vlogs but his friends to go see him even more laid back.

"Megan," he greeted, "what a lovely surprise. But I'm afraid Abbs isn't in. She's at some lunch with Emma and family members."

"I actually came here to chat with you, if you have a moment," I said, crouched down at the floor and running my fingers through Patch's fur.

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