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How did everyone here just accept Emma and I's relationship without a second thought when my family never would do that?

Warning: Mention of judgemental parents based on sexuality

I was nervous about this.

I was nervous throughout the whole flight to LA as we were coming over to reveal our relationship to Abbey and Luke and then attending Vidcon 2015

Emma didn't seem the least bit worried.

"Megan, they'll adore you. Abbey already loves you. We'll be completely fine, I promise," she had told me before the plane took off.

She drifted off to sleep halfway through the long haul flight and I found myself staring at her wondering if she knew how lucky she was.

Her whole family had accepted her coming out amazingly. Abbey had been wonderful, as she always was and from what I had heard, it had gone pretty smoothly with the parents and Luke.

None of them had tried to change her or convince her that she was just confused.

Maybe that was why she wasn't the least bit worried about revealing that she now had a girlfriend. I certainly had been terrified whenever I brought a girl home, though my parents usually pretended to ignore what I was telling them and just pretended that I had a friend staying over for a sleepover.

I reached over to link my hands with hers and took a deep breath. The Clovers seemed like an amazing family and I knew Abbey wouldn't oppose of the relationship. I worried slightly that she might feel hurt that she did not to know before but I doubted it. She had experience in wanting to keep a relationship away from prying eyes.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes while I willed the plane journey to be over already. I was not good with the building anticipation.

Eventually, I got my wish but the time did not pass quickly.

"Luke!" Emma exclaimed as soon as we made our way to the arrival hall after having waited ages for our baggage.

I was feeling more on edge by the moment because as much as I tried to supress it, memories of me introducing my first girlfriend to my parents were playing in my head and it was not a pretty sight.

Emma hugged her brother tightly. I knew she missed him a lot, though she was still a bit wary of trusting him fully. Abbey had forgiven her brother completely for running away when times got tough but Emma was not as easy to convince as her sister. She tried though.

"Who is this?" Luke asked as I neared them cautiously.

"Megan, meet Luke. Luke, meet Megan," Emma introduced. "This girl is one of the best persons I know – I'll tell you all about it in the car."

I rolled my eyes at her over dramatic secrecy but then I caught a glimpse of someone with a camera and I recalled Luke was on the path to be a Hollywood movie star. Maybe precautions were a good thing.

During the whole ride, Emma talked her brother's ear off. She had started by telling him that I was her girlfriend and then moved on to updating him on her life and sharing things she and I had experienced together.

Luke seemed a bit confused at how Abbey's university friend could now be dating his sister but he seemed absolutely cool with the relationship.

He didn't even struggle or hid discomfort. He just outright accepted it straight away.

"I'm glad you found someone, Emma," he told his sister. "Megan, just remember that I can still be a protective big brother despite you not being a guy. I'm not quite sure how but I will figure it out."

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