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She's always been flirty with everyone she meets, how was I supposed to know she felt special about me?

I can't tell the difference between platonic or flirty touching with her.

It's been a couple of weeks since I started talking to Emma. It was pretty great so far, if you discount the fact that I can't help but get a surge in my stomach every time she touches me.

It's light touches, like squeezing my shoulder, nudging me or even pinching my cheek once. I'm normally the one who can be very physical and touchy in my friendships as well as my relationships but I've always been able to tell.

Maybe, it's good for my ego to be on the receiving end of it. It's bloody hard to distinguish from this side.

I haven't really told Abbey that I've been spending a lot of time with her sister. I want to but it's never organically come up. My reluctance to bring it up is a further indicator that I'm not sure if it's a budding friendship or a budding romance.

*Want to hang out tonight? My place? xxx* Emma texted me.

Of course, I was in class and happened to be sitting next to Abbey. Not that the latter part was unusual. Now, we always sat by each other in the class we shared and had even studied together a couple of times.

She was a cool girl, not just because I admired her blog, but her whole attitude towards life was inspiring. She wasn't quick to make friends like me and I desperately wanted to show her that we could be friends.

I probably should come clean about hanging out with her sister and potentially developing feelings for said sister. It just felt like a lot to drop on sweet Abbey.

Unlike Emma, who was extremely nosy and had leaned over to view my incoming texts multiple times when we were hanging out, Abbey did none of the sort.

She just looked up at the buzz but diverted her attention back to her notes when she realised it wasn't her phone.

When the break came, I knew I needed to bring it up.

"Abbey," I said. "I just want to say that being friends with you is very important to me. You're great, both academically and as a person. I'm really glad to have you and..."

"Slow down," Abbey said and smiled amused at my ranting.

She'd gotten used to that. Just like she had my physical affections – though I knew those were platonic.

Why was it so difficult and different with Emma?

"Megan, I'm glad that we're friends too," Abbey said and her words were far from my word-vomit ramble. She said it with such sincerity that I clutched my fist against my chest, right over my heart.

"You're killing me here, Abbey," I said with a laugh and then nudged her with my shoulder.

"I actually mean it, Megs. You're good with people and make fast friends. Yet you took the time to get to know me despite me not encouraging it at all. You're like Nate in that way."

"Easy, I'm not trying get into your pants," I joked.

Just your sister's... potentially. I mean, if she wanted to.

"Abbey," I said. "How do you feel about your sister dating?"

Abbey tilted her head sideways, like a confused puppy.

"I hope Emma finds someone to date. She's been on more dates than I can count but you know it's different now," Abbey said.

She had told me that Emma had come out to her as lesbian with her sister's permission. She hadn't known that Emma had already told me.

"I hope she finds a great girl - someone like you perhaps. Why do you ask? Do you want to set her up on a blind date?" Abbey asked with a raised eyebrow and a crocked smile.

My heart jumped into my throat at her words.

"No, I was just..."

The instructor asked us to quiet down and interrupted me. Abbey seemingly forgot all about the discussion of her sister's love life. She was not overly invested. However, I took her words as confirmation she wouldn't mind if something did happen between us.

If I could figure out if Emma even liked me that way.

*Sure. I'll see you around 5 xx* I texted back Emma after I had parted ways with Abbey.

"You talked to my sister about you?" Emma asked with a wide grin that made her look energetic and beautiful.

"I didn't really know if you'd told her about us hanging out so much," I rushed to say. "I just wanted to shush out if Abbey knew."

Half true at least.

"You know what?" Emma asked and cuddled up against me under the duvet. Friends cuddle but not if one of you likes the other person.

We were watching a movie in her bed as her roommates had friends over in the living room. I thought we would have joined them but Emma pulled me along into her bedroom after a quick introduction.

"It sounds more like you were trying to ask her if I liked you," Emma said and her grin turned mischievous. "Unfortunately for you, that is the only aspect where Abbey is not very perceptive."

Emma laced her fingers with mine and I felt again how this girl could make me speechless - me, who always talked, if not verbally then through messages online. You'd hardly catch me at a moment where I wasn't communicating with someone in some form.

Intertwining fingers could still be platonic, I supposed as I laced our fingers tighter together. I didn't want to assume anything.

Over the last weeks, I'd seen how she'd flirted with baristas; strangers who held open her door, etc. She was flirty towards all genders it seemed, but it was possible she was still figuring out her sexuality.

"Why did you really want to ask her about me, Megs?" Emma asked and leaned in close to speak softly in my ear.

Was this really happening or was I reading too much into it?

"I wanted to ask her about you and how you show if you like someone," I confessed and felt the heat rise in my cheeks. I had never gotten around to ask Abbey before we got interrupted and it felt too odd to pick up the topic again after class.

"What do you mean?" Emma asked.

"You and I are very alike in how we show affection. We're both pretty physical, both platonically and romantically. I've never found it hard to differentiate before but you confuse me, Emma," I confessed.

"Huh," she said, her face going into resting position as she thought about what I had said. "Then I guess I'll just have to show you how I feel," she said, her face gleaming as she leaned in closer than ever and placed her lips softly on mine.

All right, I might have been overly cautious and probably a little slow but I did know this signal. Friends didn't kiss like this.

I reached up to cup her face and moved us closer together. She was a bit hesitant at first but soon she seemed to relax and kissed me back with much more force and confidence than the initial peck.

It seems it was a budding romance after all. 


I hope you liked this chapter. Isn't Megan cute? She's so scared to make a misstep that'll make her lose her new ties to the Clover sisters. I hope to have a new update ready for Thursday, which is in 2 days.

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