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Who would have thought I'd have a conversation with SillyNate about our shared love for the Clover family at Christmas?

Christmas Eve is not an event I've ever looked forward to since I became a teenager. By then Christmas was no more about getting excited for presents and with the illusion of Santa broken, so was the illusion that my parents would accept me unconditionally.

It on Christmas Eve seven years ago I stupidly told my parents that I found one of the girls in my class really pretty and how I had given her a kiss before parting for the Christmas break. It was nothing scandalous, I was only fourteen and it hadn't been more than a peck on the lips but my parents freaked out.

Full-blown freak out.

Christmas had never been the same since then. A couple of weeks ago my mother had reached out and I had thought she was ready to bury the hatchet, so to speak and accept that I wasn't going to change. I knew Dad would probably be even more against it as he refused to have a "dyke" for a daughter.

I had been wrong, my parents weren't ready to accept me. More so scold me as they'd become aware I was dating Emma as someone had told them about the videos on her channel where it was pretty obvious that we were a couple.

They wanted me to break up with her and go back to dating boys exclusively.

"You like boys, then just date boys!"

It wasn't as simple as that but they had never understood. They had never even tried.

Here sat amongst Luke, Abbey, Emma, their parents and Nate, I felt even more rejected by my family. They were happy and even Emma's occasional fighting with her mother or Luke's previous alcohol problem, it seemed they were happier than we'd ever been.

I carefully slipped out of Emma's warm embrace. Ever since we had cuddled up on the sofa, she's been asleep and snoring softly although she would deny the latter if I told her that when she woke up.

I went to the bathroom and splashed some water in my face, which was one of the big pros of not wearing make-up was not smudging it when you needed cold water in your face.

I exited the bathroom but paused in the doorway and watched the happy family. Nate wasn't there right now but I could hear someone pottering around in the kitchen behind me.

Luke was talking animatedly with his parents catching them up on all his Hollywood adventures. Abbey was either also asleep or she was just observing her family silently.

She liked to do that. She said you could learn a lot just from listening and not speaking.

Maybe she was rubbing off on me because while I had thought it sounded ridiculous at first, it now kind of made sense. She had become my best friend since we met in February and had even trumped some of the Internet friends I had had for years.

"Admiring the harmonic Clover family?" said a voice behind me and I didn't need to turn around to know it was Nate.

"Yeah," I said honestly. "They're just so happy and content. They all love and accept each other no matter how different they are or what they may be struggling with individually. It's admirable and so sweet it almost gives me envy."

Okay, so maybe I wasn't quite over the nervously rambling thing yet.

"I get it," Nate said and leaned against the other side of the doorframe. "My family would never be able to do this."

"Mine neither," I snorted.

If any of the Clovers turned around and looked at us looming in the doorway it might have seemed creepy but they seemed too engaged in their conversation or sleeping, so we should be okay. But Nate and I both whispered either way.

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