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Warning: Disapproving family based on sexuality and career choices

December is supposed to be a month filled with joy and Christmas cheer but how does my family manage to suck that out of the holiday season faster than I can blink?

December was not a fun time for me, not since more and more horrible memories had been pinned on the holiday. Family drama was practically tradition and last year I hadn't even gone home for Christmas.

After the heated phone call with my parents in December last year, I hadn't been to see them at all. I had cut my ties, even if it might only be temporary and focused on spending time with my chosen family instead and getting my education and afterwards working on the podcast.

Which was why I was surprised when my computer suddenly beeped with a Skype call from my mother's account. She wasn't very technical, so one of my cousins must have helped her get her old Skype account working.

I had set it up for her originally when I moved out for us to have a way to video chat easily. I had only used it a little in the four years since then and certainty not within the last year.

Disapproving of Emma had been a final straw that broke the camel's back because I had finally found the kind of relationship I had always wanted and I loved her with all of my heart. If she'd been a guy, they'd have been over the moon.

Well, until they learnt what she did for a living and then they might have become sceptical again. Pursuing creative paths wasn't something anyone in my family had done before and I has conveniently refrained from mentioning the fact I was working to co-host and produce a podcast.

"Isn't your computer ringing?" Emma asked as strode into her room, in just a towel with wet hair and a fresh face. She looked gorgeous in the small cosy room that had become my sanctuary and was currently bathed in fairly lights and covered in Christmas decorations.

"It's my mother," I whispered and cast my eyes down.

I didn't need to explain to Emma what that meant. We'd talked about it before. She knew how much I actually hurt after having severed the ties with my parents somewhat permanently and she knew a knife twisted in my heart whenever I rejected one of their calls.

She wrapped her arms around me and smelled sweet and fresh and I just wanted the scent to cover me up and shield me from my mother.

"She must be getting desperate to turn to Skype," Emma observed. "It's almost Christmas, Megs. Maybe she wants to make amends."

Emma was so hopeful and naïve and I loved her optimism and I needed it but right now I just felt sad that my mother definitely wouldn't live up to those expectations.

"You should answer, just this once," Emma encouraged me and took my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Stay with me?" I enquired. "Out of frame but holding my hands?"

"If that's what you want," Emma responded immediately and settled down next to me on the bed but to the side of the laptop and out of shot.

I half wished the stupid ringing would stop and I'd have an excuse not to pick up but even after I took my deep breath, I pressed to answer.

We had had such a good day, going around London Christmas shopping but right now all that happiness drained out of me to make room for anxiousness. My parents really knew how to be a Grinch to my Christmas.


An image of my mother and surprisingly my father as well popped up on screen. Dad looked bored and Mum looked on edge.

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