Chap. 15. The best moment

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I looked up to see the end of the blade at my nose. But a body covered my view of the man

Obi had jumped In front of me to protect me. The sword was in his stomach.

"OBI!" I cried.

He fell to his knees with the blade in his hands and started to pull it out.

The men stood there dumbfounded. He pulled it out and stood up again. "I said before and I'll say -" he paused

"I'll say it again. I swore on my life to protect her. And anyone who gets in my way..... Dies" he held up the sword and stood his ground in front of me.


My face was now wet from the tears. My side hurt like hell and I felt like death. But my heart was beating so fast. And it wasn't because of the adrenaline, it was because of obi.

He would risk his life for a person like me. Why.

He lunged forward and jabbed the sword in the mans stomach killing him. He did the same for the next two. Last was the Leader.

"You really think you can take me down with that wound?" He stated. Obi tightened his grip round the handle "ha challenge excepted"

The man lunged forward and swung his sword but Obi manage to dodge it but fall on his side. He groaned laoudly in pain.

I can't just sit here

"I will protect her with my life" Obi's voice rang threw my head. "And I'll do the same" I got up and grabbed the nearest weapon. Which happened to be my dagger I threw at the man.

Obi had his back to the leader. He tried getting up but failed and fell back down. He can't take it anymore. 

"Hey!" I screamed. "You wanted the princess? Well here I am. Come get me you asshole"

The leader turned around and faces me. I finally got scared when I saw his eyes. They were red and evil. It was like he was possessed or something.

"Y/N what are you doing? Get out of here!" Obi turned and screamed

"No, I will not let you die because of me. You said you'd lose your life to protect mine and I'll do the same. My status doesn't mean anything to me." The man slowly walked up to me. It was almost like everything was in slow motion. "If I can't live in a world with you then what's the point in living. Obi you mean more to me then I do to anyone. I've been gone for so long, and I've been alone. If I die, no one will fell pain. If I die, everyone will know I did it for a reason."

He was right In front of me now.

"But that's not the case. Today no one dies. Only the bad people die not the good. Meaning. I'll live. I'll live for Zen, Shirayuki, Mitsuhide, Kiki, Izana and you Obi" I grabbed my small dagger and swung it at his neck. I manage to be so fast that he reacted slow. But still got me

His sword sunk into my thigh

"- this world doesn't deserve people like you." I stood over the man and raised my dagger. " so... Go in peace" my voice was calm

I stuck the dagger in the side of his head. His eyes shut and he fell.

I looked at Obi. He had tears in his eyes. Something I've never seen before. I limped over to him. Still with the sword in my leg. 

"Assassins aren't suppose to cry" I got to my knees and whipped his tears away.

"Princesses aren't suppose to fight" he raised his hand up to my cheek.

This was the moment. The moment I've been waiting for. The moment I got pulled away from. The moment .....

The best moment.

Our lips connected. His were soft and warm. Our lips moved in sink. It was perfect. Almost meant to be. I couldn't shake the feeling of what was going on. The pain I felt was gone. It almost felt like nothing happened and we were just kissing. But it's wasn't just missing it was more then a kiss.

It was passion, passion toward someone you would never let go of. And that was us.

We parted.

"Woah" Obi smiled. He connected our lips once again.

The best moment.


There's your kiss Dattebayo1
Your welcome

Hope y'all enjoyed it. But it ain't the end!


Ains 😁😁😁

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