Chap. 16. Sleeping beauty

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Is anyone one of you guys playing Mystic Messenger? If you aren't, go download it and play it. Cus damn


I woke up in my usual queen size bed. The only thing was that I couldn't leave my bed. My whole body ached. I couldn't really remember what happened but all I do remember is kissing Obi.

I started touching my lips with the ends of my finger. I can't believe we actually kissed. It was nice.

"Oh finally your awake" Shirayuki said walking into my room. I tried sitting up but failed since I was so sore "don't get up! You still need to heal!"

"Is it bad?"

"No.. Well yes but you'll survive" she smiles. She placed new bandages beside my bed. "I'll have to clean you wound"

I lifted my shirt and she started removing the old... Bloody bandage. I took a glimpse at the cut. It was bruised from the cut all the way to my belly bottom. There were stitches in it but it still looked really bad.

"Oh hey how's Obi?" I asked as she finished putting on my new bandages.

Her face expression dropped. My heart started racing and my palms grew warm.

"Y/N, well he got hurt pretty bad." Her head dropped " I fixed him up but - "


"He- he hasn't woken up yet. We've tried everything but he's just not waking up" she sat down on the bed and starred at her feet

"I want to go see him" I started getting up, ignoring the fact that I was in excruciating pain.

"You shouldn't get up" she jumped up and stood in front of me.

"Please don't, I'm going to see him weather you like it or not" I stood up and stood my ground.

"Fine but let me help you" she grabbed my arm and flipped it over her shoulder.

We walked a few doors down till we made it to Obi's room. She opened the doors revealing Zen, Mitsuhide and Kiki.

"Y/N your supposed to be in bed" Zen said standing on my side to help me stand.

"Where is he?"

"In bed" Zen took over and brought me to the side of his bed.

My heart sunk. It almost felt like it just disappeared. Obi. He looked so life less. His face was pale and his breathing was heavy.

I leaned up against the bed, holding myself up and grabbing onto my side were I had been cut.


He didn't respond

"Obi? Please wake up" tears started falling down my face. "This is my fault"

"No it's not" Mitsuhide said

"Yes it is. If I didn't fall in love with him this would have never happened" I cried every word.

Zen slid a chair over to me. "Sit, please just sit" as he asked, I did.

It felt good to sit but i still couldn't feel anything and my mind wasn't wrapping around the fact that Obi was looking lifeless.

I grabbed his hand, it was cold. Almost to cold to be normal.

"Guys, let's leave them" Kiki said pulling them all out.

Zen held onto my shoulder. "He'll wake up Y/N." He let go and left the room.

Here I was, sitting in front of my sleeping beauty. "Your the one who should be awake right now, not me. I'm supposed be your sleeping beauty"


Hehe sorry 🤗


Ains 😁

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