Chap. 17. Between worlds

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Hey I just want to say thanks cus I wouldn't be writing this if you guys weren't reading it so thank you!!


Obi's POV

It was dark, to dark. I couldn't see anything.

"Hello?" My voices echoed. It was almost as if I was in a room.

"Where am I?"

"Well son, your in the between world" a voice came from behind me. I didn't bother turning since It wouldn't make any difference.

"Who's there?"

I hear a two claps and the light came on. It blinded me for a second but once my eye adjusted, I found my surrounding. I was standing in a large white room. On one end it was black and red and the other it was bright colours.

"What is this place" I asked.

"It's the world between the two worlds. Over on that gloomy side is hell. And on that colourful side is heaven" a man came from around the corner.

"Who are you?"

"Well guess, I'm god" the man wore a white robe and had white hair and a white beard. He looks like your typical God.

"So why am I here"

"Because you have a choice to make. Your one of the lucky people who get to pick where they want to go after they die"

My heart sank when he said it. I can't be dead. Not now. I'm to young, I've just started being good and ..... Y/N. I can't leave her. Not like this, I don't even get to say good bye.

"What if I'm not ready to fully die yet?" I asked holding onto my chest. I want this heart to beat, I want it to beat for her.

"I thought you might ask that" he turned around and faced a large wooden door. "That door will take you back to the living."

I started waking but got pulled back.

"I have to warn you though. Not many people get there way when they go through that door. You asking me for a second chance and if you don't deserve it then something bad will happen to you"

"Then I'll take that chance" I started walking toward the wooden door. "I'll take that chance for her"


Obi grabbed the door nob and turned it. I gust of wind blu and he vanished.

"You have a kind heart Obi. Protect her with everything you've got." God said before disappearing.


Obi's POV

My eye pealed open. The slight rays of sunshine broke through the blinds. I could feel a weight on my hand. I looked over to see the one girl id been wishing to see, sleeping on a chair and holding my hand.

I couldn't be happier


05/27/2020 update note: I'm just realizing now how fucking weird this chapter was.... like god..... why did I bring god into this.... man

Anyways hope you enjoyed!


^ just do it


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