Lmao you guys already know i had to add my baby Melanie to the story in the last part 😂💖
-------------------------------------------------------Cameela: aye yo waddup honeys 😻
DinahJ: waddup shawty 😘😘😘
Normanibae: waddup my loves 😎💖
LaurenJ: hello guys 💜
Allybrooke: guys we should totally Skype right now😿💖
LaurenJ: im so down!!
Cameela: im widdit but melanie's with me 😻
Allybrooke: what but i look like trash and now feel self conscious thanks mila
Cameela: she thinks you're cuteeeee😏😏
DinahJ: wait is ally straight or
DinahJ: wait what are you guys
LaurenJ: humans dinah. We are humans.
Cameela: i think she means our sexuality honey
DinahJ: ^^^
DinahJ: like me im gay af
Cameela: 109% gay 😜😜
Normanibae: dinah-sexual
Allybrooke: undecided 🙄
LaurenJ: ^
DinahJ: we all gay af
Cameela: Camila is a fuck girl guys dont let her fool you - Melanie
Allybrooke: whats a fuck girl?
Normanibae: its like a girl version of a fuck boy
DinahJ: how is Mila a fuck girl? 😂
Cameela: get to know her and you will all soon know 😂
DinahJ: woah i did not realize a girl whos name used to be "bananalover" would turn out to be a fuck girl 😂
Cameela: I am not a fuck girl!
Cameela: i just like to have fun
Normanibae: ^ ok that means you're a fuck girl
LaurenJ: lmaoooo
Allybrooke: camila lemme tell you a lil sum about Jesus
Cameela: ally lemme tell you a lil sum bout pussy 😏
Normanibae: just how much do you know now dinah?
DinahJ: i'd have to show you mani 😏😏😏
LaurenJ: norminah is real omg
Allybrooke: LOL IM SO SINGLE
Cameela: with you ally 😿
Cameela: nvm
DinahJ: wait pause
Normanibae: bitch df was that "nvm" for?
Normanibae: better tell us whos pussy you eating
LaurenJ: ^.
Cameela: lol guys i am single its just when i said "with you ally" melanie hit me bc she likes allyyyyyy😏
LaurenJ: i thought you liked melanie camila
Cameela: LOL no
Allybrooke: too bad i dont do long distance :(
Cameela: smh guys im gonna go get a girlfriend
DinahJ: camren please
Cameela: lern doesnt like me ☹️
Allybrooke: calling bullshit rn
Normanibae: woah did you just curse
Allybrooke: oh my lord. Jesus forgive me 😭
LaurenJ: lol