Okay so like honestly idc about this "laucy" stuff. Like I just want Lauren to be happy and if that's with Lucy than I'm happy for her. But that's not gonna stop me from shipping Camren and it's not gonna stop me from updating and writing stories about Camren. That is all.
------------------------------------------------------Allysus: a kid from my church put me in a group chat
Allysus: I don't like this
Allysus: they all weird as hell pls help
DinahJ: who's in the group chat?😹
Allysus: all the kids from mine and mani's church
NormaniK: was it that kid Dylan? Cause he about weird as hell
Allysus: yes that kid! He keeps trying to flirt with me and talk about jesus at the same time
Allysus: likes its okay when I talk about Jesus but other people getting on my nerves
Crybaby: wait he's flirting with you?
Allysus: yes
Crybaby: add him to the chat I just wanna talk :)
Canola: uh-oh
LaurenJ: here we go
Allysus: baby please don't be too mean you'll make him cry
"Allysus" added "Dylan" to the chat.
Dylan: who are these people ally?
Dylan: are they also from the church
DinahJ: boy we ain't from no church
NormaniK: except for me I am from the church
Dylan: oh yeah! I know you you're Normani
Canola: well her twitter name is Normani so thank you for stating the obvious dude
Dylan: what kind of a name is canola?
Dylan: are you named after the oil?
LaurenJ: I'm laughing more than I should be
Canola: it's an inside thing, but my names Camila, pronounced cameela
Dylan: oh that's nice :) any friend of ally's is a friend of mine
Dylan: do you all believe in Jesus?
DinahJ: I believe in a girl who's under 5 feet and reads me the Bible every night
Crybaby: hi Dylan
Dylan: who are you?
Crybaby: I'm Melanie ally's girlfriend you know :)
Dylan: how does someone as religious as ally have a girlfriend? That's a sin
DinahJ: boy if you don't shut yo ass up
Dylan: what's a poly beat down?
Crybaby: the thing you will be receiving if you don't leave ally alone :')
"Dylan" has now left the chat.
LaurenJ: this is why we don't have friends other than each other
LaurenJ: we scare everyone away
Canola: you don't need friends I'm like 4 people. Your girlfriend, your daddy, your best friend, your wife
LaurenJ: true