Hola people
(Messages between Lauren, Mani, and ally)LaurenJ: I'm scared
Allysus: have you still not gone to milas house bish?!
NormaniK: calm down Laur, I texted dinah and Melanie and they know to let you in so you won't have an obstacles in your way
LaurenJ: what if camzi doesn't love me anymore?
Allysus: bish if she didn't love you anymore she wouldn't have been crying in room for three days straight
NormaniK: Camila and straight don't fit in the same sentence
Allysus: lol not the time mani
Allysus: but fr Lauren stop being a pussy and go get yo girl back
LaurenJ: ok I can do this, I'm gonna head over to her house and just show her the messages and explain everything
LaurenJ: I'll text you guys how it goes, love you guys so much
NormaniK: we love you two Lauren!
Allysus: I love you too my child, drive safely
LaurenJ: always 💛
-------------------------------------------------No ones pov
The drive to Camila's house went by pretty fast for Lauren, her heart was pounding and her knees were weak from the nervousness. She got out of her car and walked to Camila's porch.
After about five minutes she finally found the courage to knock. About two seconds later she was face to face with Melanie, Lauren couldn't help but gulp. "Calm down I'm not gonna hurt you." The younger girl said as Lauren nodded, "But think very carefully about what you're gonna say to her, cause if you make her cry more I will cut your nipples off and feed them to the dog." She threatened as she let Lauren in who only gulped.
"Hi lauser, she's in the basement." Dinah said as Lauren nodded, "Oh and you better fix my ship because if you don't I'm gonna let Melly cut your nipples off." Dinah said as Lauren nodded frantically.
"Gosh what is it with you guys and my nipples?" Lauren mumbled as they both laughed, "We're joking Lauren- well I am." Dinah said as Lauren looked at Melanie who only shrugged. "I don't say things I don't mean." She said bluntly as Lauren nodded,
"Now what the hell are you waiting for? Get your Cuban ass upstairs and get your girl back." Melanie said as Lauren nodded and rushed down to the basement. As she made her way down she heard Camila's muffled sobs and it broke her heart.
"Camz?" Lauren asked carefully as she stood in back of the girl who had her face in her pillow, "That's not funny Dinah, it wasn't funny the first time and it's not funny the second time." Camila said remembering earlier how Dinah pretended to be Lauren.
"It's really me." Lauren admitted as Camila hopped up from where she was laying and stood up so she was now facing the older girl.
"L-Lauren? What are you doing here?" Camila asked carefully but then her eyes narrowed in anger.
"Get out." Camila said remember seeing Lauren kiss Lucy in her head as if she was there with them that night.
"Camila let me explain please." Lauren said in a begging tone.
"I don't wanna hear it Lauren, get out!" Camila yelled as Lauren walked closer to the brunette, she wrapped her arms around Camila who tried to pull away and started hitting her.
"Get off of me!" Camila said trying to get out of Lauren's grasp, Lauren didn't say anything she just held the younger girl until Camila got tired and started sobbing into Lauren's shirt.
"H-How c-could you d-do that to m-me?" Camila sobbed and Lauren sighed, "Camila I didn't do it." Lauren said as Camila sobbed even more.
"I saw the pictures and you're still trying to lie t-to m-my face." Camila said trying to restrain herself from breaking down.
Lauren still had the younger girl in her arms as she reached into her back pocket with one hand; the other still around Camila, and she pulled out her phone.
"Camz look, I promise you the camera just got the wrong moment." Lauren said as Camila pulled away and took Lauren's phone out of her hand.
"What's this?" Camila asked as Lauren sighed, "Its the screenshots from mine and Lucy's conversation yesterday." Lauren said as Camila shook her head. "I don't wanna read your guys conversations." Camila said angrily as Lauren sighed.
"Camila stop being so stubborn and read them." Lauren tried as Camila sighed in defeat and started reading the messages.
Camila's eyes widened halfway through but she kept reading, she giggled lightly through her sobs, "Ally said you just got served bitch." Camila said quoting ally's text and giggling.
She then looked at Lauren with a straight face, "So you didn't kiss her back? She kissed you." Camila said in realization as Lauren nodded. "Camz why would I kiss Lucy when I have the most amazing girl in the world, who I could kiss as much as I want?" Lauren asked lightly as Camila blushed a bit.
"I asked myself the same question." Camila said as Lauren giggled, "I love you." Lauren said seriously as Camila stared at the older girl.
"I love you more Lauren. I'm sorry I didn't give you a chance to explain." Camila said as Lauren pulled her in for her hug, Camila only wrapped herself tightly around Lauren not wanting to let go.
"It's okay, I know you were upset." Lauren said softly, "But if it makes you feel better I'm never hanging out or speaking with Lucy ever again." Lauren said lightly as she held the younger girl in her arms.
"Good I'm prettier anyway." Camila mumbled as they continued hugging and Lauren giggled. "True on all accounts." Lauren said lightly.