Kanye west has me lit rn
(Private messages between Camren and Norminah)Canola: hey guys
NormaniK: what hoe?
Canola: what did the red light say to the green light?
DinahJ: .... what?
Canola: don't look! I'm changing!
NormaniK: that wasn't funny
DinahJ: ^
Canola: ok what did the wall say to the ceiling?
NormaniK: what?
Canola: I'll meet you at the corner. haha get it?!
DinahJ: that was worse than the first one
NormaniK: I don't get it
Canola: ugh ok, where do cows go for a first date?
DinahJ: cows don't date
LaurenJ: where do they go babe?
Canola: to the mooooovies
LaurenJ: LMAO
NormaniK: oh man that was awful
Canola: What did one hat say to the other?
DinahJ: ... hats don't talk
NormaniK: ^
LaurenJ: what did the hat say baby??
Canola: you stay here, I'll go on a head! LOL
DinahJ: Lauren how can you laugh at these? They're awful 🙄
NormaniK: cause laurenza's whipppeeedd
Canola: what do you do when there's a sink standing outside your door?
DinahJ: sinks don't stand honey
LaurenJ: shut up and let camzi tell her joke!
LaurenJ: what do you do baby?
Canola: you let that sink in. GET IT HAHHAH
NormaniK: please stop
"DinahJ" removed "Canola" from the chat.
DinahJ: I fixed it
Canola: can't get rid of me that easy
"NormaniK" left the chat.
"DinahJ" left the chat.
LaurenJ: it's okay camz, I like your jokes
Canola: this is why I'm wifing you up one day💗